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9:21 a.m

Dear Louis, 

I waited and waited but the mail never came. I waited outside my door with a small smile on my face waiting for the mail man. I frowned when he walked right by me not stopping once. I called out and asked him if I had any mail and he just shook his head. I ran inside and started crying, I was so eager. I decided  not to give up and to call the people at Ring City. The lady explained to me that it was going to get shipped to a P.O box, but she wouldn't tell me the number, but thats okay I know exactly what number.


The day we decided to set up a P.O box was a rainy day in March, we walked right up to the front desk and demanded she set us up a box. She was so startled, the look on her face was priceless. You laughed and smiled down at me. It was so random, earlier that day while we were walking through the park you suggested we set up a P.O box. I asked you why and you just shrugged and told me it was just for fun. The lady handed us a key  and told us our box number 30713. We scanned the wall in search of our P.O box and we found it in the corner at the top, but low enough so I could reach. We stood there side by side staring at the box.

You told me our box needed a name and I laughed and for the next five minutes we tried to think of a name to our box. I got it you exclaimed excited, Lella! After explaining that it was both of our names together that if fit our little P.O box well because it's ours no one elses but ours.

I'm going to see Lella now.


your ella


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