Rain Drops

655 15 2

Let the rain wash away,
all the pain of yesterday

whatever person who made the wonderful catchy quote pls tell me if anyone knows who made the quote pls leave it in the comment thank you ^ w ^/

While walking down the streets step by step,
Every puddle I hit, stomp by stomp
Every fabric soak and wet,
Every tears drops in pain,

(Idk what the heck am I doing)

Haida accidentally kick a blue familiar empty can rolling far away from him. Retsuko used to carry it with her probably for her stupid boyfriend, Haida's eyes are wide open and growled.

"ARGHHHH DAMMIT ALL  AUGHH!!" He ran to it and kick as hard as he can be, then accidentally slipped himself  landed on puddle of water around him and



He stayed on the ground letting the raindrops buried himself around his face and clothes watching the raindrops falling one by one.

"Could I be more pathetic..."

He felt his eyes started to faint slowy closing his eyes until it's getting


And Dark...











.-e-llo.. sir~-

hel-lo sir..

Haida POV
I felt my eyes started to blink a bit it's kinda blurry but this flashlight thing is absolutely a bit close to my eyes it burns!!

"Hello sir can you hear me??" A men voice speaking to me.

"W-Who the hell are you...?,-" My voice suddenly kinda crack a bit and I don't seem to breath properly at all.

"Where the hell am I..?"  I slowly touch my head and massage it a bit my head hurts and sweating like hell.. 

"Your finally awake, sirrrr.....?"He said questioning my name.

"Haida..." I said clearing my throat and twitching my eyes from the light, if only the flashlight stop pointing at my eyes. 

I disrespectfully removed the flashlight away from my eyes so I can see it clearly where I was, I examine around the room using my eyes spotted every single things around me, well what do you know I end up on the hospital, great my boss is going to hunt me and kill me.. 


I scratch my head while my whole body resting on the softy bed.

"What time is it..?" I questioned since this room doesn't seem to have a clock at all.

"Exactly 7:00 AM sir"

"I still have time.."

I forcefully lay off on my bed and move my body to get off the bed.


"I probably just got a hangover by drinking to much i'll be fine just a headache after all doc."

"YOUR NOT RIGHTFULLY TO MOVE AROUND OR LEAVE I INSIST!!"  He said forcefully laying me down on the bed.

"ARGHHH!! LET ME GO JACKASS!!! MY BOSS IS GOING TO KILL ME, I CAN'T REST HERE DOING NOTHING!!!" I said pushing his face to move out away.

"You should probably respectfully follow his orders." Both of us suddenly stop and look at the  random pink kitty come out on the room crossing her arms wearing a violet bandana with a green t-shirt with a few yellow green dotted circles around her clothes with a weird necklace around her neck and wearing blue jeans.

"And who the heck are you??"

"Puko and...The one and only save you butt, your lucky that your still alive you almost died back there"


570 words

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