Chapter 13

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I groaned in pain at my side and I opened my eyes. As if the pain there wasn't bad enough, I soon realized my head was throbbing like it had been cracked open.

"Good morning. Or I should say evening since it's eleven at night." I glanced over at Murphy as we walked over to me. Charlie and Kit were asleep on a couch across the room but quickly woke up at the sound of Murphy. It took me awhile to become orientated, Murphy performing some tests to make sure my brain was in working condition.

"What the fuck happened?" I groaned and took a sip of some water that Charlie held out to me.

"Apparently, you tried to save Amelia and got injured in the process." Kit informed me and I remembered the deer and my lip curled.

"Guess that's what I get for being nice." I snapped and Charlie frowned. I'm guessing he knew the real reason I tried to help and it definitely wasn't to save Amelia's life. If I were holding a glass of water and she was on fire, I'd drink the water. Let the bitch burn.

"Anyway, where is everyone else? Kinda figured Nixon would be in here all over me." I joked, but my smile fell quickly when I saw the other two looking everywhere else but me. "What's wrong?" I asked more serious before the doors to the room burst open and Julian walked in with fire on his heels.

"I'll tell you what's wrong! That cunt has been crying and whining about how it's all her fault and all she does is get people hurt. Obviously, that didn't work on Nixon because hello? His mate has a concussion and broken ribs. So what does she do? Threaten to kill herself to repent. So that's where my dearest brother is. Fallen for her lies and manipulation once again!"

"Wait seriously?" Kit asked, looking dumbfounded and Julian nodded his head. "I thought he was going to make sure she was okay and then come in here. I didn't know he was no babysitting her!"

Everyone began arguing back and forth about the situation but I couldn't find it in myself to join in. Did Nixon really decide to stay with her instead of coming to make sure I was okay? I mean, under any other circumstance I wouldn't be upset by that but this girl is clearly lying and the fact that everyone is seeing through her facade except him is becoming exhausting. But there was also a part in the back of my mind saying Amelia could be saying some truth. She could really feel upset and be thinking suicide was an option but you shouldn't just throw that term around to get attention. The others picked up on my silence and stopped talking to turn their attention on me.

"How are you feeling?" Julian asked softly and for some reason, the silent pity I could feel from them was aggravating. I didn't need their pity. If anyone thinks I'm just going to run away like a coward, they're sorely mistaken. I'm going to do what I have to do to stop this act Amelia is throwing and if that still doesn't work, I'll tell Nixon to his face I'm leaving. I'm not going to let myself stay in a position that makes me feel worthless and unwanted.

"Physically or emotionally?" I joked and Julian gave a small smile in response. "I'm actually pretty hungry."

"Well, let's go get the man some food then!" Charlie chirped and grabbed his mate and the brother by their arms before dragging them out of the room. I sat in quiet for a while before the door opened and I held my breath, praying it wasn't Nixon. As much as I wanted to bless him out, I was too exhausted to do it right now.

"Good news, you can go back to your room today," Murphy said as he walked in and I released the breath I was holding. "Bad news though. No strenuous exercise for the next two weeks. You broke several bones and while we have fast regeneration, bones take a little bit longer to heal than wounds." I thanked Murphy and he got busy getting me some medications for the pain I may have if I push myself too hard. I'm not going to lie, I was very uncomfortable being alone with Murphy. It seemed like everyone just magically forgot that he killed his whole family. Murdered them and put them in jars to use for his weird-ass experiments. Maybe he repented, but in my books, there's no coming back from that kind of behavior.

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