Chapter 7: My first date!

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Its friday afternoon and to be honest I am beyond excited for later today. I couldn't believe I was going to go on my very first date. Although my mom agreed to let me go on this date, she did so if and only if she tagged along. It was kinda embarrassing but at least I get to go on a date. But how do I wish this first date was with that man in the portrait. How I wish I could meet him. I could already imagine how our first date would be. But as we all know he doesn't even know that I exist. How I wish he did though.

I walked towards my bus alone today because sam wasn't in school today, but boy did I miss her today. This has had to be the longest waiting period for my bus to pull out of the bus parking ever. Was I that anxious I thought. Anyways a few minutes later the bus pulled out and we were off.

I got off at my bus stop and walked home. I couldn't help having such a huge smile on my face. Tonight is going to be amazing I thought.


I hopped off the car in front of the mall. I waited for mom and then we both walked inside the mall and met James and his mom by the entrance. As we had agreed mom tagged along as well as James mom.

"Hey, how are you?" James asked

"Im good, just a little nervous thats all." I replied, maybe I shouldn't have said it but it was to late now.

"No, don't be nervous." He said

"Okay, I promise I wont be nervous" I said blushing

We turned around and began walking. We walked by a few stores trying to keep the conversation going. He seemed a little nervous too but I didn't want to make much fuss about it. I just went with the flow. Mom and Lucia walked behind us to give us some space.

"What do you want to do Ellie?" He asked nervously

"I don't know what ever you decide." I replied back

"Well we could go and have dinner or we could go down to the theater first." He suggested

"Well we should watch a movie first and then dinner." I replied back

"Okay we could do that." He replied with a smile

I told mom and Lucia what we were going to do and they both agreed We walked towards the theater, his mom went to the kiosk and brought four tickets for all of us. I don't recall what movie we watched but it sure was romantic. We went down to auditorium six for the movie. His mom brought us two small popcorn and two small drinks for the both of us. We found the perfect seats on the middle of the auditorium. Both our moms stayed at seats by the door. I have to say I enjoyed the movie. After that we went upstairs and walked around some more. we were indecisive in choosing which restaurant to eat in. We finally choose to eat at Ruby Tuesday's. To be honest I loved that resturant.

We walked in and a lady greeted us, she got four menus and escorted us to an empty table. We had an amazing view to be honest. We sat down and we got started on drinks.

"So what can I get you folks to drink." The waitress asked

"I will have just have some ice tea" James mom requested

"And I will have some lemonade." Mom added

"I will have some sprite." I said with a smile

"I two would like a sprite as well." James added

"Okay, one iced tea, a lemonade, and two sprite. Are you guys ready to order or do you need some time?"

"Yes,I think we do." We all agreed

"Okay then, I will be right back with your drinks then. Take your time." The waitress said

The waitress left and left us four to ourselves. I looked at the menu and of course I was indecisive. We all agreed to the get the chefs choice. I wasn't at all convince if the chefs choice was the right choice but I still went with it.

The waitress came back with our drinks, she handed us our drinks and then moved on to our orders. We all ordered the chefs choice. She told us that we had chosen wisely. She walked away and disappeared into the kitchen. Moments later she came back with our food and to be honest it looked delicious and it smelled so delicious. She walked away again and left us with our meal.


After dinner we went ahead and walked around the mall for a bit. Mom and Lucia went shopping together to give us some alone time. I was glad we were given the chance to be alone because honestly its quite embarrassing.

We went to the food court to buy ourselves some ice cream. That was a plus about our mall it had an ice cream place and a frozen yogurt place. We went into the ice cream place this time around though. I had a soft vanilla with caramel ice cream cone with rainbow sprinkles. James had cookie dough with rainbow sprinkles ice cream cone. We walked towards an empty table and sat down to eat our ice cream. It was kinda messy but it was worth it.

"So, did you have fun tonight?" James asked as he ate his ice cream

"Yeah I did, I enjoyed tonight." I said with a smile as I began to eat my ice cream

"Im glad you enjoyed yourself." He replied back

"Yeah." I replied back

" I hope we could do this again some other time." He added nervously

"I hope so too." I added

"Before we go though, I was wondering if you would like to be my date for the dance?" He asked

"Awe sure! Id love to." I replied happily

Ring, ring,ring

"Its probably my mom, its time for me to go. " I added

"Okay, see you in school." He replied back to me

"Okay, bye"

I got up and before I walked away he grabbed my arm, he got a little closer to me and he the leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. It was sweet of his part to do so to be honest. I smiled back and walked away. I answered my mom and told her I was on my way to the car. I texted sam on my way to the car and she of courses freaked out. She was happier than I was to be honest. I met my mom where we had entered before. We walked towards our car, hopped in and drove away, towards our house. Mom was quite the whole ride home and I of course was too.

I thought to myself how come when James gave me a kiss on the cheek I was as cold as a stone. I didn't know if it was normal to not have any feelings. Could it be that I wasn't that into him?

Could it be?


I apologize for not updating CID, as you all know its summer and summer means fun. I had been so busy with college and stuff that I just had trouble finding the time to work on my book. But here it is guys! I will soon get to the good and intense parts of this story just bare with me. Please comment, rate, add me!

Luv you all!

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