Chapter 5: The truth

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  • Didedikasikan kepada Miguel

The bright morning sunlight began to make an apperance in my room through the small cracks of my window. As I began to wake my body began to hurt. I wanted to believe that what had happened the day before was just a nightmare. It was all to good to be true. I looked in the direction to where my alarm was, beginning to wonder why it hadn't rang yet. When I looked it was already 10 A.M

I tried to move but the pain in both of my sides was overwhelming. I felt the pain all over my body. I knew I had missed school, I knew they were probably going to think I was some sort of a wimp but I didn't care. I looked to my bedside table and grabbed my phone, I had a text from Sam and none from Abby. I thought what kind of friend is she? She let her best friend get beat up by her new friends whom she thought were cool but all they were doing were hurting her best friend. The one who was there through it all. Sam's text was plain and simple a text any good friend would send after seeing a friend hurt. " hey, I was worried about you after dropping you off at your house in the state that you were. I wanted to know how you were since I didn't see you this morning at school." I thought how nice she was to get so worried about a person she just meet. I answered her back letting her know I was fine and that I just wanted to stay home for the day.

I threw my phone on the bed and went to the bathroom to clean up. I took my clothes off carefully without making any sudden moves, that way I wouldn't strain anything. I stood bare before my bathroom mirror and I saw my reflection, the bruises were getting worse in color I had marks everywhere, my back, my sides, my arms, and my face. I couldn't bare the sight before me so I jumped in the shower, cleaned up and then got out. I put on some clean clothes and headed downstairs. Mom was in the kitchen cooking I was surprised to see her there.

"Finally your up!" she said

" What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to go to work? Why didn't you wake me up to go to school?" I questioned her

" Well one I took the day off. Too because I didn't want you to go to school like that. And three I was worried about you." Mom answered

"Oh... Mom you really don't need to worry though. I'm okay now" I said

" Honey I worry because I love you and you know that it kills me to see you or even your sister go through this." She said holding back the tears

" Mom please don't cry, I really hate seeing you like this." I responded to her

" look I cant help it but I feel guilty knowing that you needed me and I wasn't there to protect to you.. My baby needed me and I wasn't there to help her." She said in between sobs

I ran into the kitchen to grab some napkins for mom. I came back and handed them to her. She looked very upset at the situation.

"I made an appointment for you this morning to go see Dr. Kerry." Mom said. "Mom! You didn't have to I'm fine I swear!" I said nervously " look those bruises don't look like just anything. I honestly don't want regrets later on." Mom said

" Mom....?" I asked

" Yes, sweatie?" Mom Replied

" I'm so sorry...." I said very disappointed

Well we better get going now your appointement is in half an hour we must get going now. Mom rushed upstairs to get her purse, and in a blink of an eye she was already down. She got her keys and out the doors we were. The ride to the doctors office seemed very fast. Mom was determined to know if everything was okay with me or not.

we pulled into the parking lot of the Hospital at around 11 o clock. My Appointment wasnt till 11:30 we were a bit to earlier. Mom said it was okay since she had to fill up the paper work. We sat and waited till my nae was called. Once my name was called We headed inside.

The Appointment had gone well. They had done some X-Rays and they had requested an MRI be done to make sure nothing was broken. The X-Rays showed different, it only showed inflammation from both sides of my ribs. The Dr said I would survive. My Mom was happy to hear that I was okay and with that we left the Dr. Office and head home.

The rest of the afternooon was a breeze, I spent the day resting upstairs in my room while my body healed itself. I was laying in bed when I began to think Could It be? Could my best friend have given me her back when I most needed her. No text, No phone call , No visit. What kind of friend was she?

Could it be?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang