Chapter 9:Breathless

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"I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

Delicious Ambiguity." - Gilda Radner

These words were exactly how I felt as I looked at myself in mirror. I couldn't believe how beautiful I looked. I took one last glance at myself before I headed down stairs. I walked careful trying not to trip over myself as I walked down the stairs. My lil sis approached me as I made way down the stairs. I went to the kitchen were mom was to let her know that I was ready.

Mom told me she would be dropping me and sam off at the party because Sam's mom wasn't feeling to good after all she was pregnant with her third child.

We took some pictures before leaving the house and then we went to pick up sam at her house. It wasn't at all far from our house so we didn't take long to get there. We pulled in her driveway like at around six thirty which was still pretty early giving mom thirty minutes to drive us to the venue were the party was schedule to be held. I texted sam to let her know we were outside in her driveway waiting for her so mom wouldn't have to beep the horn.

"We are outside your house." Read my text

"Okay I will be down in a few." Her text read

"Okay." Read my text.

Minutes later Sam's front door sprung open and to be honest she looked stunning. She walked slowly to the car trying not to trip over herself. She waved back at her mom one last time whom was at the front door making sure was safely in the car. Her mom waved back at us as we pulled out of her driveway on unto the venue.

"Hello, everyone!" Sam said excitedly as mom pulled out of the driveway

"Hi!" We all responded

"Sam, you look stunning!" I added

"Thanks!" She replied shyly

Honey, to be honest you both look gorgeous! Mom added

We all smiled knowing mom was just being mom.

"Thanks mom." I added

"Thanks Mrs. Atkins" Said Sam

"You welcome girls." Mom replied

The rest of the way there we just talked and joked around. It was quite the ride if you ask me. I was happy to have Sam ride along with us its like she became a part of the family almost.

We pulled in by the front entrance if the venue and my did it wow me. My night had not yet begun and it was already magical. I got off the car an walked toward the main entrance. Sam followed right next to me. We decided to wait till my mom pulled out of the driveway to go inside of the venue. We waved and said goodbye to my mom who was hollering from her seat to have fun and to be careful.

"Have fun girls!" Mom hollered from her seat in the car.

"Thanks mom, we will." I responded

"Be careful and remember to call me when your ready." Mom said as she pulled out of the venues driveway

We walked in and as soon as we walked in we noticed that it was winter wonderland. Every where you looked was beautifully decorated. I hadnt realize that I indeed had a date for this dance until he approached us. I have to say he looked handsome as hell. I smiled at him as he approached me, of course he smiled back greeting me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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