Part One

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Chase loved the woods. Walking in the woods always cleared his mind. The forest behind his dad's house was the best, you go about five meters into the woods and see no sign of civilization. When Chase was in the woods he didn't have to think about his slutty step mom and way-too-old-for-her dad. He didn't have to think of his drunk addict mother or whore of a sister. He was all alone. There was an animal here or there but they never brought up his family.

I'm finally going to do it, Chase thought to himself. I'm going to run and never come back. He had packed himself a survival kit in and old army backpack. Chase had everything he needed. He packed matches, lighter fluid and other necessities for starting fires. There was water and those snazzy little water purifing tablet thingies, he brought cooking utensils and a collapsible fishing pole. He could last several months out here on fish, berries and granola bars. That's just what Chase planned to do.

Chase jogged down a path he had worn out. His heavy pack thumped against his back. The sounds of rushing water grew louder, telling chase that he was nearing the river. He stopped jogging because he couldn't keep running in his skinny jeans. He could understand why people would make fun of him. It was the middle of June in Virginia and he was wearing skinny jeans and a sweatshirt. It was his favorite outfit, royal blue sweatshirt and his black skinny jeans. There was almost always a band t shirt underneath. His beaten up, black vans had seen much better days and his curly brown hair was constantly sticking in every direction. The river was now in sight, he knew of he followed it upstream far enough he'd get to a lake that had camp grounds. And bath houses with showers. He would go crazy if he didn't get a shower. He stopped by a tree wondering if he should take his sweatshirt off so he didn't stink.
Suddenly, there was a whizzing sound, and Chase was knocked to the ground. He rolled over and saw a horrible creature aiming a spear at him. The thing resembled a rotting tree. Flys  were buzzing around its head and bark was peeling of its face. It reeked of dead things. The creature thrust its spear at Chase. He rolled out of the way but his backpack was pinned to the ground. Chase scrambled to get out of his backpack straps,when another spear wielding creature appeared. Aiming to kill, the creature had its spear raised above its head, ready to bring it down on Chase's throat. Chase was out numbered, out maneuvered and out matched. Chase began to panic and kick. The creatures merely laughed at his efforts. The grunted at each other and stopped laughing. They both adjusted their weapons ready to strike.

Suddenly, a long thin object protruded from the rotting creatures chest. There was a thump as a knife embedded itself into the other monster chest. Both monsters collapsed spontaneously, revealing a beautiful boy with a bloody sword.

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