Part Ten

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Standing on the edge of the balcony, Chase wondered how he was going to get down. There was a soft thump from somewhere behind him . Ducking back under an overhanging branch, he looked to see if Wren had gotten up. "I'm down here, stupid." Chase nearly jumped out of his skin. It was the raccoon from the windowsill.
"You can talk?" Chase whisper shouted. The raccoon leaned back and sat on its haunches. "Everything can talk, idiot. You're just human and didn't know, but you got the Sense so now that you know you can hear."

What. The. Crap? Chase remembered Wren saying something about being able to see him like it was unusual. It kinda made sense. But of all the things that happened recently, somehow the strangest thing to him was the fact the raccoon had a northern accent. It worked perfectly when he had insulted Chase. "Alright Dumbo, I know you can't get down without Lover Boy Wren so I'm going to help you get your bag. Mainly because the gayness is getting annoying." Chase opened his mouth to protest the phrase lover boy Wren but he was cut off. "Nope nope nope. Don't argue with me, dimwitt. No one argues with Ringo." The raccoon padded towards the edge and Chase followed. Ringo leaped out to a nearby branch. Chase simply stepped over to it. "Alright loser, I get it, you're big and tall. Come on, we climb in this window, it's just a staircase down." Ringo hopped into the opening. What is it with this raccoon and windows?

Chase crawled through after Ringo. They headed down the stairs and out a side door. The moon was bright enough for Chase to see properly. The beauty of the forest around him destracted him that he didn't realize it was over until he saw the river.
Chase spotted his bag by the bank. That wasn't where he left it but he dismissed the thought. As he bent down he noticed a frothy patch of foam. A pair of eyes opened and a figure sat up out of the foam. Chase stumbled backwards and fell on his butt. He could now see the figure was a girl. Her hair was a dark and her skin was as pale as the moon . He guessed this girl was a nymph. Perhaps she was a water nymph. The girl gasped. "You must be the human boy Wren spoke of! I'm Rìa." She exclaimed. She had a Hispanic accent. (Do all forest creatures have accents?) "So you are the boy he rescued." She smiled. It was a crooked smile, like the one you get from a friend when they see you with your crush. "Well, I assume that's your bag and that's why you came. Oh and if you get the chance, ask Wren about the rose on his eye." The last comment confused Chase but he picked up his bag and followed Ringo back to the Tree. Neither of them said a word as they climbed up the stairs and out onto the big branch. They hopped up in the balcony only to find an angry (and quite attractive) Wren. "Where in the Land of Rot have you been? I wake up and you are gone! And you," he pointed at Ringo "I can't believe you. You not only let him leave but helped him!" Wren took a breath and looked back at Chase. "You went outside to borders, you could have died."
"But...I didn't?" Chase mumbled.

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