Part Eleven

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Wren looked as Chase studied his shoes. Humans shoes were odd. Many nymphs didn't wear shoes. "I didn't mean to yell at you like that. I was worried." Chase looked up at Wren, his pretty blue eyes filled with question. "You should get back to sleep." Wren suggested. Chase crawled back in Wren's bed, wincing slightly. Wren smiled to himself. This human boy was more attractive than any other nymph he'd met. Chase's face reminded him of a puppy. Wren climbed in on the other side. Both boys faced away from each other and unknowingly thinking about one another.


If there was one thing Chase learned from high school it was how to defend himself. When Wren proposed they teach Chase how to fight, Chase thought it should be somewhat easy. It was anything but easy.

The two boys and Ringo walked through the woods for 5 minutes. The boys carried large, sturdy walking sticks. "Alright, you two legged chumps need to slow down. Or one of you can carry me but I am not running." Ringo complained. Every now and then he would have a short burst of energy so he could catch up with the boys. Wren turned to look at Chase. "I'm not carrying him. Crouch down and let him crawl on your back." Chase opened his mouth to argue but Wren gave him a look, making Chase crouch close to the ground. Ringo hopped onto Chase's back, moving to his shoulder as the human boy stood. The boys continued their trek for a few more minutes before coming to a clearing. The clearing was well worn, the trees that circled it were decorated with targets and practice dummies. There were slashes, cuts and holes in the trees. This place must have been a training area. Ringo hopped off Chase's shoulder and curled up against a tree. "Move!" Chase looked up just in time to see Wrens walking stick slam into his chest, knock him to the ground. "What the f-" Wren whacked Chase's leg to shut him up. "Don't say words like that, the trees will hear you. That was the first part of your training. This," Wren held up his stick. "Is a staff. It's the most basic weapon among my people. All children learn how to use one when they reach 5 human years. You are much past that age but you are as skilled as a newborn." Ringo coughed "Um no, even newborn nymphs have the ability to communicate with nature, of course it's all just 'goo goo ga ga' crap but at least they can." Ringo curled back up as Chase scowled. "Whatever Rocket." Chase muttered. Ringo's head snapped up. "Alright, knock it off you two." Wren cut in. He helped Chase up. "For right now, we are going to learn the basics. We are going to swing our staffs and they will meet in the air just above our heads." Wren demonstrated the posture and position for this move. Chase copied his position and brought his staff up to touch Wren's above their heads." Good, now shift your weight to your back leg and our staffs will meet in front of our knees. This would be a good move to knock someone off their feet." The staffs clashed at their knees. "Now, we are going to go up and down and work on your speed." The boys continued to practice until it got dark.

They made their way back in the dark, holding on to each other so they didn't fall.

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