Chapter 1

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"Where is she?" An ominous voice whispered.

"In there." Another one responded.

I pressed my face into the crack of the door, squinting so I could get a good look at them. I saw one, he was sitting on an old, ratty, leather recliner in the living room. As he talked he tapped his fingers against the armrest. I shivered. 

This man wasn't one I recognized. I was always scared of the new people who came to visit the house. 

The other man must of been sitting in the chair across from him. I knew him. Well, I never got his name (or if I did I don't remember it) but he took care of me. Him and I lived in the old wooden house alone together for as long as I can remember. He used to give me food and teach me songs and poems. 

The room I was in was small, really small, and made of thin wooden boards. The only light source I had came through the cracks of the door. I crouched on the floor to try to get a better look, I could not extend my legs very far because there wasn't the space. I heard laughter, then footsteps. 

The door unlocked, and swung open. I looked up at the man who took care of me. He was tall and had a silhouette that reminded me of a spider. His hair was short and greasy, and his face always had a disproving look to it.  Back then, I knew little English. With the few words I knew I created a name for the man that took care of me: Spider-legs. 

He ushered me out of my room, said something to the other man, then motioned I walk over to him. I did. The stranger had bright yellow teeth, he wore a long jacket and had frizzy grey hair. 

"Make it cold." Spider-legs demanded. 

I had just come from my room which was very very cold, so I shook my head. 

He got angry. 

The stranger smiled and sat back as the man who took care of me grabbed me. He hit me really hard. The last thing I saw was the face of the old yellow teethed man and his strange green eyes.

I jumped awake in my bed, my heart pounding inside me like a drum. 


Squinting, I look over at the clock that sat on my bedside table. 3: 00 am.  Why does this always happen? 

During my long, lovely, summer break I slept perfectly fine. No nightmares. But, of course, the night before I go back to Ilvermorny my body decides I need to be tired on top of stressed out.  

Just think, tomorrow I'll be off to school. 


With one quick motion, I throw the covers over my face. I can feel my body still in panic mode, my heart racing and limbs quivering. 


I really need to be asleep right now. 

Mama once told me she counts to ten and back if she ever has trouble falling asleep. She always tries to help me, help all of us, it's sweet I guess.







I throw the covers off and look at the clock. 3:01am. 


I roll over in my bed to face the other side of my room. The moon illuminates tree branches who's shadows dance across my carpet and up my pink walls to the sound of the wind. From what I could see out my bedroom window, the night sky was crystal clear and dotted with stars. 

What a beautiful night to be stuck awake.  

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