Chapter 12

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I'd like to think that I am closer with my aunt Lavinia than the rest of my siblings. Nothing against them, but for once my DNA gave me an advantage, it made me the frontrunner in the race to be Lavinia's favorite. 

Lavinia never got married, settled down, or had kids. Her life has always been consumed with work. Ever since she attended Ilvermorny she never had time for friends or fun, only for school and studying. She graduated top of her year and basically had a job handed to her at MACUSA, and then she even worked her way up to run her department. 

Kate idolizes her. I think that's why she doesn't like me that much. 

Anyway, when the whole abnormal children situation started happening, Lavinia was on the front line. She would go into houses personally to save children. She was also responsible for collecting data on the children, partly to figure out why they were being bred and sold, and partly because the government wanted the data for personal use. 

She would also be responsible to find a home for every child. The process of adopting abnormal children is lengthy, which made many people chose to adopt a normal child because it was easier. Even with that, Lavinia managed to find each child a forever home. 

She told me that she's seen dozens and dozens of half wizard and half being, but that I am the only exception. And because of that, I get to meet her every two weeks just to talk. 

We meet inside a private room in the guidance hall. Not many students go there normally and it's quiet. 

The Guidance hall is not so much a hall as it is a circular room. It is located in the bottom half of the west tower and has a great view of the mountain range. There are big, beautifully carved, tables that are scattered around the room. The ceiling is fairly high and above is where the school owls are housed. Sometimes you can hear them while you are trying to study. 

I walk into a mostly empty room that's dead quiet and make my way over to one of the offices that line the wall. I push the thin, dark wood, door open and sit inside. The office is like a cubicle, the walls don't meet the high ceiling above and the door is so thin it might as well not even be there. Luckily, not a lot of people come to guidance so we don't need to worry about my secret getting out. 

Lavinia isn't here yet. So, I shove my hand into my pocket and pull out the paper again. I unfold it. 


Maybe I should write something inside, maybe that is what I am supposed to do. 

The office I'm in is tight. It's really just a desk with a quill on it and two wood chairs. The only light source is from the small rectangular shaped window on the outer wall. 

Grabbing the quill from the inkpot, I wipe the edge of the feather along the side of the jar as I slowly pull it out. Then, I lay the paper flat on the desk. 

What do I even write? 

Do I have a wizard mother or father? Who are they? Are they still alive? Why didn't they want me? Why did they choose to conceive with a dementor? How did I survive? 

I take a deep breath. I really need to decide before Lavinia comes in. Imagine having to explain this to her, she would be so mad. 

Addanc called me Mercy and that's not my name. I guess if anything he should know that I don't go by that anymore. 

Carefully, I write 'My name is Olive now' on the paper. 

I watch the ink dry. Nothing happened. 

The clacking of heals grew louder and I knew that Lavinia was here. I folded the paper back up and pushed it into my pocket just as the door creaked open. In walk my beautiful aunt Lavinia. 

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