The Daily Prophet - Jan 11th, 2001

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MACUSA faces harsh criticism today after information was leaked about their decision to allow abnormal children to be adopted into wizarding society. 

The memo, which was leaked to the press last Friday, was from the lead investigator and department head, Lavinia Renshaw, who explained to her department what action they would be taking once the children were retrieved. 

"I understand that many of you believe that these children do not belong in our society. I would like to reiterate that our job is not to be the deciding factor on whether these kids live or die, but rather to be their chance at a better life. If a child can survive without the constant use of magic, then they deserve the right to live in our society. They are born on American soil, so they deserve the right to be an American. From this point forward all children will be put up for adoption. Potential parents will go through extreme background checks to ensure that they are the correct fit. If for any reason this executive decision clashes with your personal beliefs, I would like your resignation notice on my desk by the end of today."   

Following the release of the memo, many public officials and activists voiced their concerns about the potential danger that could come with allowing the abnormal children to integrate. Jose Calvo, a father of two from Los Angeles, spoke at a public forum earlier today. 

"We do not know what danger comes with them. They come from a troubled past, they are born with dangerous abilities, they are not wizards. They are abominations. I do not want to send my children to a school where things like that roam freely."

Many, however, see the announcement as a positive. South African Native Masara Jojo-Renshaw sees this as a positive move from the government. 

"If we do not allow these children into our homes, where will they go? We do not want to remember this time as a time where we lock up or kill. We want to be on the right side of history." 

MACUSA has not yet responded to the backlash at this time. 

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