Chapter 9

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How do I describe 'Seymour Kalinski'? Well, he's shorter than I expected. He's got a face that looks like he should be on a billboard by an intersection advertising real estate. He smiles so hard it looks painful. He looks like he's sweating, which is understandable given his lack of experience,  and he's stiff as a board. His hair is buzzed short with speckles of grey and, for some reason, he decided to wear a suit. 

Professor Kalinski stood at the podium. His eyes scanned the room, looking over each face, then, he got to me. He stared at me for a couple seconds and it gave me the chills. I made eye contact with him, to like, let him know that I could see him. He just did not care. 

A couple seconds passed and he broke the weirdy long and really awkward stare. 

"Attention please, attention." He announced. 

The room quieted down. I look to my left at Julian, he shrugs. I guess we both don't know what to expect. Then, I look across from me and see Laz with a spoon on his nose. He did that stupid, childish, thing where you breathe onto a spoon and make it stick to you. I roll my eyes at him. 

"As you've all noticed, I am not Professor Mayz. She, unfortunately, is no longer with us." 

What? She's dead? 

The room fills with audible gasps. 

"Excuse me, I meant she is no longer headmaster." He clarified while pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket to dab away the sweat on his forehead. "Regardless, welcome. I am sure you all are eager to start the year so I won't bore you, but let me just start off by saying that I am very excited to be here."


The spoon fell off of Laz's nose. He's so annoying.

"I want to make you all some promises." He continued. 

This should be good. 

"I promise to change things around here. I promise that you will learn practical magic. I promise that the academic integrity of this school will return to its former glory. And, I promise to make sure that every wizard in this room gets the education they deserve."

"Keyword wizard" I hear Julian whisper next to me. 

There were a few claps, and by the looks of it, Professor Kalinski was expecting more.

"Well, enjoy dinner!" 

Food appeared on the tables. It was the typical beginning of the year feast. In the center sat a roast chicken on a pile of vegetables. Surrounding that were old wooden bowls, each with a different kind of salad. Everyone started to dig in. Laz grabbed the chicken with his, stupid, lanky arms and took the whole plate for him and Milo before Julian or I could touch it. 

I guess I'll start with the garden salad.

 I go for the bowl, but then something catches my eye. Next to the plain old garden salad was a plate of hotdogs. I don't think the school has ever served us hot dogs. 

The headmaster did say that he was going to change things around here. I guess he meant the food. 

Looking up, I notice that Kalinski isn't sitting with the teachers. 


My eyes wander to a table across the room and I see him. He's talking to students. I guess that's nice, I mean, Mayz never did that. Maybe Kate was wrong about this guy? 

At the table, I can see the back of Jaylee's head, and as she leans forward to grab another dish from the center I see the student he's talking to. 

Ninfa Calvo sat there with a big grin on her face as she shoved a hot dog in her mouth. She's the kind of girl that always looks perfect, even when she's eating. Her hair is this beautiful deep brown color with natural ringlets that frame her face perfectly. Her face was very round, strong, cheekbones and her lips were probably modified to look more full. 

Oh, that's probably why hot dogs were added. I bet they're her favorite. 

Next to her is her blonde haired and blue eyed friend, Tana Korby. Tana loves gossip, she's sweet but be careful what you say around her. Her hair only goes down to her chin and is this perfectly straight bob. I can only see her in profile next to Ninfa, her nose is really round. Laz called her 'the wicked witch of the west' once and she through a textbook at him. 

Jaylee leaned back and I lost sight of them. I noticed that Sen Patel sat next to her. Sen is Indian, and she moved here when she was younger, she still has a slight accent but it's not strong. She has long straight black hair and an eyebrow piercing. Her family is really rich and her siblings have all been top of their class, if you want no-maj cigarettes or pot - go to her. She is probably the coolest member of their group. 

"Are you gonna eat something?" Julian asked me with a face full of salad. 

I didn't say anything. I just picked up a bowl of salad and-

"Hello there." Said Kalinski out of nowhere. 

I turned, the man was right next to me. He gave me his weird presidential smile. 

Laz looked over and swallowed his food quickly. "Hi." 

He and Milo gave him a polite, food covered, smile. 

"Don't mind me, I'm just doing my rounds and meeting students." He said flatly. 

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Laz asked the man. 

 I could feel the anxiousness radiating off of Julian next to me. 

He humored Lazarus with a small chuckle "After. Say, what's your name kid?"

"Lazarus Spinder, the one and only."

"With a name like that, I sure hope you're the one and only." Kalinski joked. "And these are your friends?" 

"Uh ya," Laz started, pointing to each one of us "This is Milo, Julian, and Olive." 

I could see Kalinski nodding out of the corner of my eye. 

My heart was beating. Something didn't feel right about this guy. 

"So why'd you become a headmaster? You look like a politician." Laz blurted out.

Oh my god for once shut up Laz. 

I heard him shrug from behind me. "In this day and age, can't we be both?" He replied with a chuckle. "I'm here on behalf of some very influential people. We hope to make some adjustments to the education system." 

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