Chapter 7

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Prince Charming Bubble Toad

Prince Charming Bubble Toad

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I couldn't help but call Jaycee over to stay the night after the incident between Dylan and I had happened. I was shocked. I never would have thought Dylan would see me in that way. I always thought he just thought of me as his 'lil sis from a different mom', definitely not as his love interest.

I had only ever had two people profess their undying love for me in my life.

One was Kaden Thomson, who, in third grade, told me I was the most gorgeous girl in the world and that he couldn't wait to marry me when we were older. Turns out, he just wanted my Jell-O cup.

The second was Jai Lowe. Jai Lowe was my Chemistry partner in Freshman year. I'm not going to lie and say he was dorky. He sure did love the Periodic Table. At the end of the year, Jai professed his love through a failed Chemistry experiment which nearly caused the whole lab to blow up.

But Dylan Summers as the third? Who would have thought. Definitely not me or anyone else. My mom and Sandra, Dylan and Jacob's mom, always thought it was Jacob that liked me. Well, this is going to be awkward. Just thinking about how Dylan is going to react when or if he finds out about Jacob and myself makes me want to shudder and cringe, and it hasn't even happened. I could guess he wouldn't be happy about it.

"This is way too much for my little head to absorb at once." Jaycee runs a hand through her long brunette waves, a freaked-out expression on her face. "Why is it everyone I'm related to, wants to jump your bones?"

"Coincidence," I reply with scepticism, "Obviously, the Summers are just obsessed with me."

"You're starting to sound like Jacob," Jaycee shudders, "His ego could fill a room."

I laugh, resting my head on my hand. Jaycee had arrived with a block of chocolate and a tub of cookies and cream ice cream – the essentials. Jaycee isn't my best friend for no reason, the girl knows absolutely everything about me, down to my favourite brand of socks to wear. No shit there, she buys me socks every single Christmas. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

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