Episode two. Right? Yeah two ..its two .

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Yes! He had scared her a bit !! Loki transformed himself to Odin and walked down the corridors. 'Odin' peeped into sifs room

"you are still awake?" Odin asked seriously .
In all actuality it took 90 percent of lokis Facial strength not to smirk at all. "Is everything okay?" Odin said looking at the dagger in her hand with concern
"any danger?" He asked internally thinking that the danger was him.

Sif released a breath she had no idea she was holding so far "no dad.. I mean all father, it's nothing I think.. I think I just need to sleep." she said running a hand thought her hair, yes, if was all the tiredness which was getting the better of her.

Probably she was going mad ...finally."You can go sleep, I'll be okay don't worry." sif smiled at odin, finally going back to her bed. She didn't bother to shut the door because everyone else knew better than to intrude in lady sifs chambers.

Odin smiled before Loki realised that Odin never smiled and stopped immediately. Odin frowned and nodded sternly. Yes this is how Odin behaved right? What else would Odin do? Loki racked his brain trying to imitate Odin. He hadn't paid much attention to him and this found the task hard.

"G..good warrior sif of Asgard" he said in a commanding voice "sleep! You need sleep. Worthy sleep." Loki said as Odin. Oh he should shut up. He turned to go and instead disappeared.

"Siffffff" a loud whisper was Heard near her bed "siffffff" it came again. It was a lady's voice. Loki was dying to laugh. He sounded good as a lady though. He made a mental note to use this voice on Thor one day. He smiled and called sif again

Sif plopped back on the bed, groaning as she closed her eyes.

Damn what was it? Finally going mad, if loki were here, he would have made fun of her. She remembered, sighing she sat up. If he was, her trail of thoughts was broken as she heard a feminine voice call her name.She frowned and turned to looked around frantically "who is it?!" she flipped her covers off and checked below her bed "I said who is it?!" she yelled angrily. Now she was irritated.

"It's..." Loki trailed off. Who the hell was he trying to be?? What was the scariest thing he could be? Umm think Loki think!

"D..deathhhh. I am the spirit of deathhh" Loki whispered and immediately smacked himself. What spirit would death have?! Idiot! He cursed "bewareeeeee" he spoke again in a diff female voice.

"We shall come tonight" he said not know who the hell 'we' was. He was just trying to sound ominous and scary. He remembered that he was to tell her that he was still alive.......Oh well this was more fun!

Sif scrunched her nose up, making a confused face. Death? And it has a spirit even? Okay... Now she got it "fandrall.... If this is you, I swear to norns I'm gonna chop your male parts off and feed them to you! I'm tired and this is not a damned game!" she threatened calmly.... Very calmly.

It took every fibre of strength that the nine realms could offer for Loki to not reply with "he doesn't have anything to cut off" for he was sure a spirit hadn't seen his..oh well. Loki bit his fists.

"Bewareeee" he repeated. What other word was a synonym for beware?? Hmm caution? Be careful?!

"Be afraid ..be veryyyy afraid " he said disappointed in his dialogue forming skills. He made a second mental note to work on for stupid terrifying phrases . He would ask Odin.

"enough!!!" sif now was yelling loudly, almost as loud as thor. "whoever you are, spirit or whatever, get the fuck out of my room right fucking now! And if you dont, just tell me why are you here you dumb fuck" she paced around her room irritated...

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