💀 Searching For My Neighbour 💀

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I'm looking out the window
In hopes that I can see
The wonderful man who lives next door
Cause I swear I heard a scream.

I know it wasn't my T.V
cause it wasn't even on.
And it couldn't have been the radio
Cause I don't even own one.

I know I saw him just yesterday,
But he seemed so sad, scared, and alone.
I asked him if he needed help,
And he just pulled out his phone.

I wonder who's scream I was hearing,
Was it his girlfriend, child, or wife?
Oh wait, I see him in the livingroom window.
OMG! Is he holding a knife!?

I run next door and ring the bell,
In hopes he answers the door.
But when he does, to my dismay,
I can see blood upon the floor.

"What happened here? Are you alright?"
Was all I simply said.
Before he stabbed me in the heart,
Now I'm writing from the dead.

I looked all around the house,
In my ghostly, translucent form.
Yet the only body I could see,
Was mine, lying motionless by the door.

I looked at him with concerned eyes,
What could I have possibly done?
But when I looked upon his wrists,
I froze and dialed 911.

The sirens were so far away,
When he made the final cut.
That was when I heard him say,
"Thank you for pulling me out of my rut."

Paramedics cleared the house,
Saw the blood upon the floor.
And of course my lifeless body,
Was still lying by the door.

"There's one over here, and he's still alive."
I heard the paramedics say and that is when I cried.
I looked at the scene around me,
I couldn't believe my eyes.

If I hadn't come here when I did,
Then he likely would have died.
I'm thankful I came here today,
Because I just saved his life.

Poems From Within the Heart of a WriterWhere stories live. Discover now