A Lone Yugi

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Yugi woke up in his bedroom, not entirely sure how he had gotten there. When he tried to call Yami out to see if he could remember, all that answered was silence. Feeling uneasy, he made his way to the window and looked outside.

Just Domino city as usual, the sun shining bright beams through cracks in the clouds. So it had finally stopped raining.

A throb rain through his head and he shook it. What was that beautiful girl's name again? The one with the kind blue eyes, who had said that she loved him in a dark, shadowy world? He knew her. With an extra painful throb he remembered and kiss and blushed deeply. How could that be? Why would he ever kiss her? She loved the pharaoh, not him. Speaking of which...where was she? Hadn't she been downstairs just a moment ago?

As his head began to ache harder, he decided to grab an advil and try not to think about it for a time. Instantly, the memory slipped away, and by the time he had gone half way down the stairs he had forgotten what he had intended to get in the first place.

But still the memory of a kiss and blue eyes lingered.

Author's Note: I know this chapter is annoyingly short, so I'll put up a second one later on today. 

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