Youth - Shawn Mendes

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"Okay Shawn, we'll be needing an introduction to this song" 

Good Morning America is blasting out of hundreds of thousands tv-screens at the moment, and in the center of the picture is your dashing boyfriend - Shawn Mendes<3

"Alright so firstly i want to say a massive thank you to everyone hos has showed up today! The song i'm gonna sing in a few moments is called "Youth", and to me it's one of the most important songs on the new album. I talked a hole lot about it with my girlfriend. Umm. She is one of the most sensitive and emotional persons i've ever met, but like in a good away. I think it's maybe because she has read like a billion books she has an unbelievable ability to put herself in others shoes and be empathic. 

With all the terror that has been happening lately, she's taken it very personal and we've talken about how to handle these feeling a lot. I've told her about a dozen times that i think her empathy and sympathy is one of the things i love about her the most, but if she really wants to fight this - And believe me she does - then she needs to keep being brave and happy. The goal with terror is to create fear and horror throughout people, and she can't let them do that. We can't let them do that. We just need to put this to an end and say nope you can't do that."

"Sounds fantastic Shawn - Here he is Shawn Mendes with his new single "Youth""

Shawn starts playing and you realise that later on the day when you see the clip of him tears are rolling down your cheeks. God, you love this lad!

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