Darren's work

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(Trails) lord Darren it's time to get up.

(Darren) (Yonns) thanks for getting me up trails we have a long day to get everything restocked since last weeks winter.

(Trails) yes Sir.

(Darren) we need to get the major things on the list Trails.

( Trails) what sort of major things?

(Darren) we need to get ingredients for the potions if we get the wrong ingredient it can be a disaster.

(Trails) why do we need so many?

(Darren) pregnant women need medicine for sickness, military needs healing potions for the wounded, and not to mention to trick the enemy.


(Darren) hay Benonic!!


(Darren) out on patrol I see.

(Benonic) nod " things have been quiet for now are you looking for the market".

(Darren) yes do you no......!


(Villager) run their is a monster here!!!

(Darren) Trails hide in a store and don't come out till I say so!!!!

(Trails) gulps y....yes sir

(Darren) come out and show yourself!

(Sonic) hi Ben like my costume.

(Darren and Benonic) sonic! "Sonic"!

(Benonic) " you should have never done that sonic we nearly killed you we thought you were a monster"!

(Sonic) I'm sorry Ben I didn't that my costume was that realistic and I'm sorry for you to Darren😢.

(Darren) Benonic let me take care of sonic you continue your patrol I'm gonna be in the market for a while then I'm heading back to cesium I'll explain everything to his father.

(Benonic) 👋

(Darren) come out Trails it's just sonic.

(Trails) yes sir. I will watch sonic while you are doing Aarons.

(Darren) thanks Trails you're the best servant and tranny I have.

At cesium in the thrown room

(Kaze) Darren what happened we herd a lot of commotion at the village!

(Sapphire) and have you seen sonic!?

(Darren) is this who you been looking for.

(Kaze and sapphire) sonic!

(Darren) he made a costume in the village and scared them . Me and Benonic nearly killed him if he didn't poke his head out.

(Kaze) thanks Darren we will take care of sonic. We are backed up on request so you need to hurry.

(Darren) yes sir!

(Trails) we need to hurry sir I have a very long list for villages.!

(Darren) tails put the list in order like a laundry pile for example you put blacks in one pile and whites in the other got it!.

4 hours later Trails and Darren land on the floor back to back

(Trails and Darren) exhaled

(Darren) well we got everything done you should get home tails I will see you tomorrow.

(Trails) ok goodnight Darren

(Darren) goodnight Trails

(Darren) goodnight Trails

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