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So it's the 5th story that I publish and this book is the first time that I'm not using a bullied nerd girl character like I was doing in the past so hopefully it will be better.

It's also containing many cheesy things so hopefully y'all going to like it. Also I'm going to thank y'all for supporting me because #TakenMine got 11.4K reads and it's just amazing.

By the way, I published this book on September 22nd 2018. You know what this mean? It's mean my Wattpad account officially turned one year now and today also marking the first time I ever publish #BoysGrowUp my first book on Wattpad so thank you for all of the support.

I just love you guys♡♡


The bus stop at my school and I quickly leave the bus as I making my way to look for my friends only to bumped into someone.

"Sorry, Here let me help-," He suddenly stopped talking as he see my face as I recognize who it is.

It can't be happening, he's here in front of me. The person that made me have a crush on, someone that helped me, and someone who left me 2 years ago is here. He really is here, my crush is here.

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