First Day New School (Pt. 2) - II

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Here is the chapter 1 part.2 it's on Nicholas P.O.V so I hope you guys like it...

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👑 N I C H O L A S👑

"Help! Help me!" Someone shouted from the far then I running towards the places where the person needed help to see a girl, a beautiful girl lay there on the ground trying to get up. Then I see a wolf comes near her and growled at her making her more scared than before.

Then not wasting a time, I jumped on front of her and grab my swords from my pocket and aiming it at the wolf who tried to come near us. I see the wolf keep growling and then suddenly the wolf jumped on front of me as I swing my sword to it and the wolf get killed by that. I set my sword back to my pocket as I turned around to see the most beautiful girl I ever seen.

She's really scared about what had happened then I walked slowly towards her as she looked up and our eyes meet each other. My gray color eyes one meet the beautiful green emerald eyes that can make me lost in it when I stare at. I decided to speak up.

"Hey, are you okay?" Great Nicholas very great question of course she's not okay by the looks of her then I come closer to her and she seemed tensed.

"Hey hey, don't worry I won't hurt you! I will help you okay?" I said as she seems unsure about what I said but then she nodded at me and looks at the ground because I can see she is blushing. Gosh, she is blushing and she's really adorable and beautiful. I shook my head and pick her up in the bridal style. I feel she tensed again as I carry her to my horse. I can feel she is now more relaxed than before and set her at the horse and I climbed up on the horse.

"Hold on to me," I said as she nodded and she shyly wrapping her arms on me and with that we ride the horse together and made our way to my home or should I say castle.

When we arrived at the castle, the guardian immediately opened the gates for me and bows their head and welcome me then I went to the front door to see my servant and the maid come towards me.

"God, Prince Nicholas where were you? And who is that young ladies?" My servant asked me and I told him about the accident earlier and he and everyone gasped at that then I told them to take care of her because her foot are hurt and I told her to follow them as she nodded and my servant hurriedly brought her to the castle doctor for the check.

I made my way to mum and dad room to tell them about what happened and when I walked to their room my mum instantly running to me and hug me then said she's worried about me when I secretly went out from the castle and I told her I am sorry and told her about what happened when I went out. I see both my mum and dad shocked as I told them the story and suddenly my dad pull me into the hug and told me great job that I had saving someone life and brave enough to risk my life for her.

I'm glad they didn't disappointed at me then I excuse myself from them to see the girl I saved earlier on the castle doctor, when I arrived at the front of the room I knocked on it then went in to see that girl laying on the bed and the doctor gave her a bandage on her foot when they finished they excuse themselves leaving me with her now.

"Um, thank you," She suddenly said with her beautiful and angelic soft voice.

"Don't mention it that's my duty to help people," I said then suddenly the gap between us became more closer as I can feel her breath on my lips. I became closer and closer until-

"Prince Nicholas, are you there?" Someone knocked on my door and I immediately woke up and realized that was a dream. A beautiful dream until someone ruined it.

"Yeah, I'm here. I'll get ready now," I told who I assumed the maid and she said 'Yes, your highness' and I stood up from my bed. I went to the bathroom doing my morning routine then picking up some casual clothes that comfortable to wear.

I then made my way towards the dining area as I passed the maid and the servant as they greeted me good morning and I did the same towards them then I arrived at the dining area to see my mum and dad sat there and my little sister sat with the cat on her hands.

"Good morning, Mum, Dad, and Ashley," I greeted them as they smiled when they see me and muttering a good morning to me. I take a seat on opposite of my mum and my little sister then we began to eat as they asking me some questions about the school and stuff. I told them today will be the first day I on the high school and they seemed very surprised because well I never told anyone about me getting to the public high school except my favorite Butler, James. They then asked many things about the high school and reassuring me if I ready for the public high school and I said yes and they just nodded to me.

By the time, me and my family finished breakfast then I told them I will going to the school now and they said to the butler to drove me to the there but I told them no because I want to experience myself with going on my own then they told me it won't safe because I am prince and stuff but I still insisted on going on my own so they just gave up and told the guardian to protect me to the bus until I arrived at the school and they said yes and now here I am sitting on the bus station as people walking by and they looked shock to see me here.

When the bus pulled up, I immediately stand up and let my guards to enter the bus first as I can hear people talking and when I came to the bus, everyone suddenly surprised to see me and gave me a smile as I gave them a smile as well until my eyes darted to meet the green emerald that seems familiar to me then my lips twitch into the smile as she looked shocked. I made my way towards her seat and sat beside her.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you," I spoke up first as I seeing her blushing and she just nodded at me and I chuckled softly.

'She's remind me of someone but who?' I thought as the bus pull off from the station and going to my first ever public school/high school.

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