It's So Nice To Be Friends - IV

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Yasss!! Everybody we got 1K reads within 4 days 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 can't believe it thank you so much for this.

You guys are amazing and so far I see that you guys really like Nicholas but who knows?

Once again thank you so much for this and now please enjoy the book.



•S C A R L E T T•

The rest of the day went pretty well and I got many friends so far but I just unsure about them because they wanted to be my friend because they thought I'm pretty cool, pretty, and smart. Typical of them who search for the friends like that. I know they hanging out with me because of that not my nerdy old self.

I ended up sitting on the lunch with my best friend Belle and Eric as we eat our lunch. I eat some tuna sandwich because I like tuna very much. Belle ordered some salad because she wants to loss some of her weight but I thought she's skinnier than me but she said it's not enough so I just rolled my eyes at her.

Suddenly the canteen be more crowded as the people shouting and the girls giggled at something, I looked at Belle and Eric and they looked at me too.

"Why everybody's so noisy?", Ask Eric as he continued to eat his burger. I just shrugged then I see peoples surrounding something and by something I mean someone and take look to see Prince Nicholas with his guards walking to the cafeteria and girls wanted to take a picture with him but the guardian don't let them do that.

When I see at the Prince Nicholas, he looked at me too and my eyes staring at his grey eyes that very beautiful yet very lovely and I can seeing his smile at me and he told the guardians something and they walked to my directions and I feel nervous about it.

I can see he coming closer and closer until he gets on our table as Belle and me shocked as he looked at us and I trying my best not to freaking out because of this.

"Hey, can I sit here?", He casually asked me as me and Belle staring to each other and we nodded eagerly as he smiled warmly and sat beside me since Belle sat beside Eric and I can see Eric just rolled his eyes.

"So, I don't introduce myself to you guys. I'm Nicholas Smith," He said as he looked at us asking for our name then Belle who introduced herself first.

"Oh, I'm Belle, Belle McRyan. It's nice to meet meet you, your majesty," She said as he nodded and told us not to call him prince or your majesty and stuff like that then he looked at Eric who just rolled his eyes in front of the prince and I can see Eric hissed in pain as Belle stepped on his foot under the table.

"Ouch, my name's Eric McRyan. What are you doing to me?", He silently asked Belle who just pretend nothing happened then he looked at me and I began to nervous.

"Uh, m-my name's Scarlett, Scarlett Hills. It's nice to meet you," I said embarrassed because of stuttering at him and he nodded and we eat our lunch together then Nicholas asking us like a few questions from where we are from until where our school were and Belle and I happily answer him as Eric just huffed and clearly annoyed by the fact we answer Nicholas questions with very excited. We asked the same to him and we found out that he private school in his castle until junior high school and he decided to continue his high school in public without his family knowing since they always told him to just be in the castle and not to leave the castle except for the important reason but he said he's enjoying to studying on the normal school like the others and we just stared at him with awe and his guards came and whispering something to him and he just nodded at him.

"Uh guys, it's so nice to sit with you and I hope we can be friends and hanging out more but I have to go now, bye," He said and we said bye too at him as he waved us goodbye and people surrounding him again as the guards led him.

After what happened me and Belle starting to freaking out as Eric just sat there watch us with his annoyed expression and me and Belle just like talking to each other about how cool he is and how handsome he is and I'm not gonna lie he is really the definition of perfect.

We finished our lunch and went to our class since me, Belle, and Eric shared the same class as we went to our class. We spotted a Asian boy being bullied by some jock because he is well Asian as they keep making fun of him and by the thought of them bullied him, me, Belle, and Eric just went there and Eric pulled the jock shoulder off of the Asian boy.

I know Eric was a jock same as the jock who bullied him so he had some muscle and strength to pulled him off and to fight with him but Eric intended to not starting the fight because he won't be expecting to get the trouble on the first day at the new school.

"What the f*ck, man!", The jock said as me and Belle helping the Asian guy and Eric told him not to bully everyone again and the jock just laughed at him along with his two friends and I can see Eric getting pissed off because of that. I held Eric shoulder and told him not to fight with these sh*tty people and Eric jaws dropped as I cursed for the first time and he nodded and shot the jock a glare and with that we leave them and we walked with the Asian guy as he thanked us and we just said not to mention and I told him how I was getting bullied too when I was on the junior high school because I was a nerd and he just stared at me and said I'm not like the nerd one and I just chuckled and I told him to tell us if that guys messing with him again.

He nodded at us and he introduced himself and his name is Kim Jongin, I think I don't know if I am wrong but I think it is. I feel like it will be so nice to be friends with him, a real friends. He told us he must go to his next subject and it must be Chemistry went  and we went to our next subject, History.


Do you guys like it?

Btw, I named the Asian guy after somebody name you know, comment if you know who it is in a person 😉

Thank you so much...

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