Chapter 4- Discovery......Maybe

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As I said I will try to update every weekend, and school is ending , and my summer is a bit full. But I will try to keep up.

The 6 a.m. Bell

(Ennard's p.o.v.)

The bell rang and Eggs was now on the brink of screaming bloody murder. He heard the sound and turned around, then speed to the door and ran out. I heard him run into a rescue person, and leave through the elevator.

When he left I got out of the vent, and stretched out from being in a vent for 6 hours. I went over to Yenndo's room, and knocked.

He opened the door and I signaled for him that it was safe. When he was coming out I saw Bonnet in his arms....shivering to sleep. She was kinda weird bunny that one, but she was cute. She was the one who kept us all in a good mood.

Next I went to the desk and tapped on the tv, waiting for Lolbit. She came out, just as calm as ever, wait what does she even do in there? I don't know how she keeps herself calm or entertained, but each to their own I guess.

(Funtime Foxy's p.o.v.) *I know main characters now.*

Last night was so fun, I mean other than taking down those two tech that Baby put there, for being little she sure is strong. And by little I mean me being one of the shortest ones here.

Last night Eggs was supposed to Follow Baby's voice to the scooping room, but instead of turning left, he turned right and went into a door, that I have never seen before in Funtime Auditorium. So today I was going to check it out.

As soon as I was heading to the door Freddy started calling me over. I sighed and went over to Mr. Annoying.

"Hey Foxy, were you going?"
" Uh, nowhere. "
"Really? How long have I known you? I know you were going somewhere, you curious about something."
" Ok. Fine. Last night when Eggs was following Baby, he turned right and went into a door. "
"But there is no door over there." Bon-Bon replied confused.
"Ya. So thats why I was going to go check it out."

I got up and started to walk over to the door, with Bon Bon and Freddy behind me, when Ballora came in.

"Hey Fred, can I borrow you for a second, oh you too Bon." she said a bit worried.
"Sure. C'mon Bun." (Freddy's nickname for him)

I just shrugged it off and went over to were the door was. When I got there, I barely saw the door. I only caught a glimpse of the door knob. When I saw it I was shocked. Why would they hide a door in a giant Auditorium? And if they wanted it hidden, then why make it the same color as the wall? And in the shadows.

I just started to open the door without any knowledge of what could be on the other side.

Wow, finally this took me so long to do. I finished this chapter, and it was really fun to write. Also the cliffhanger, hehe, I am going to add some more, so get used to it. Anyways bye!

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