Chapter 10) RIP

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Angel's Pov

I had fun on my date with Khalil. Even though we just went to Dairy Queen .The whole time we were there , we never had any awkward silence . And we were there for a good 3 hours . He told me that he was in college and he made a good chunk of his money from being a famous youtuber. I thought that was awesome but I seriously didn't know that you could make money from that. He asked me about Priscilla . I was glad when he did because it shows that he does have a interest in me and my family life . 

After The Date:

" Thanks for walking me home Khalil . And the fun date . I really enjoyed myself " I said blushing 

" No problem Lil mama . Hey hopefully you'll let me take you and your daughter next time . And maybe you can hit me up? "He said pulling out his Iphone 

" Sure I would love to call you sometime " I said taking his iphone and putting my number in

I give him his phone back and he smiles that 1 million dollar smile 

" Well goodnight Angel " He said as he kissed me on the cheeck 

" Good night Khalil " I said as I headed into the house 


" I just was out , now chill . What is your problem anyways ? " I said as I took off my heels 

" Im not gonna sit here and argue with you , now put those shoes  back on . We have to leave right now . " She said as she grabbed her car keys 

" Im not doing anything until I know what is going on " I said crossing my arms 

" Josh's house was robbed . The theifs took expensive items along with Priscilla. Luckly the perps were caught but Cill was badly injured . She's at Bright Day Emergency Center & Hospital now . If you would have answered your phone , you would know . " Evelynn explained

Instantly tears filled my eyes . I felt so terrible. All I could think about was that I was enjoying my date my daughter was getting hurt. What kind of mother is that ? I hurried to put my shoes back on . Then me and Evenlynn raced to the hospitial.


" I'm looking for Priscilla Dottson . What room is she in ? " I frantically asked 

" Listen mam you need to calm down . What is  your relationship to Priscilla ? " The desk lady asked 

" Im her mother . " I said as I slowed down my words 

" Okay now I need to verify some information with you before you can see your daughter ." She said pulling out a piece of paper

" Now what is Priscilla's date of birth? " She asked 

" May 11th 2012 " I answered 

" What is Priscilla's full name ? " The lady asked 

" Her name is Priscilla Ivory Dottson " I said 

" Okay and what hospital was she born in ? " She asked 

" She was born in Hatforts Hospital " I replied 

" Last question , What is your full name ? " She said as she looked at me 

" My name is Angel Violet Dottson " I said 

" Now that I know your the real mother , I can give you the information you need . Dottson is in room 511 on the 3rd floor . I'll be sure to send the doctor in the there with the next 15 minutes  " The lady informed me

" Thank you ms... " I said 

" Grace . " She answered 

I hurried to the elevator . I heared Evelynn's footsteps behide me . The elevator ride was so intense. My heart pounded with every floor we passed . The elevator stopped and opened the we quickly found room 511.I opened the door and looked at my daughter . She was all hooked up to different machines with a breathing mask on his face . I fell to the floor and started to cry . Evelynn sat down next to me and rubbed my shoulders . I don't know how long I was crying for but I hurried up and wiped my tears because I heard footsteps coming towards our room . 

" Hello Ms.Dottson , I'm Dr.Evans" He introduced 

" Hello now can you please tell me whats going on with my daughter ? " I said as I looked at Cill 

" Yes im looking at her charts and it says she has 4 broken ribs , a broken arm, vaginal irritation and trama to the head " He said as he looked at the charts . 

" Somebody touched my baby ?! Oh my gosh . " I said as the tears flowed down my face  

" Unfortunately yes . And I have to inform you that with this many injur..." He was explaining 


" NO CILL. DONT DO THIS TO MOMMY. I LOVE YOU .WHATS GOING ON ??? " I yelled as I ran to her bedside

Dr.Evans  ran out of the room and yelled for nurses . The nurses quickley reponded . 

" Ms.Dottson Im gonna have to ask you to stand outside " He said as he grabbed my arm 

" No . Im not leaving ! " I cried 

" Angel lets go " Evelynn said as her voice cracked 

I was dragged out of the room




Soon Dr.Evans informed me that Priscilla didnt make it . I fell to the floor .  With Josh in the hospitial and my two year old daughter dead , my life was falling apart .  

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