Chapter 28 ) Silent Getaway

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Angel Pov 

I looked up to see Josh fully naked and a women laying on the bed in nothing but her bra and under wear . I instantly cover my hand over my mouth . I am currently six months pregnant with his son and he had the balls to come to Florida and cheat on me ! I am beyond livid . I simply walk out the room with out saying a word . I get inside the elevator and begin to cry . The elevator doors opened and I quickly wiped away my tears . I gave the clerk the key to Josh's hotel room back to the front desk before begining to  leaving . I pulled my suitcase behide me and headed outside . I called a cab . It came with in ten minutes . The driver got out and helped me with my bags while I got in. He drove me to a kid store where I got Priscilla a doll and airbrush t-shirt before driving me back to the airport . I paid him before heading into the airport and boarding the plane back to L.A . 

Finally I was home and I unlocked the door . I walk into see Khalil sleeping on the couch . I took of my shoes before sitting on the couch next to him .I gently shake his shoulder . He wakes up and looks at me . Instantly he gets up . 

" Angel ? " He said 

" Yeah its me ." I said 

" What are you doing here ? " He asked

" He cheated on me . " I  said begging to cry 

" He what ? When ?" He asked 

" When I was there . I opened the door and there he was with some other girl . " I said 

" I'm so sorry angel . " He said 

I grabbed him and gave him a hug . He hugged me back . I began to cry on shoulder. He took his hand and ran it through my hair . Telling me everything would be okay . I finally let go and pulled away . 

" Things will get better Angel . I promise . "  He said as he got up from the couch 

" Khalil ? " I called 

" Yeah ?"  He said 

" Can you hold me till I fall asleep ? " I asked 

" Alright " He said 

He climbed behide me and wrapped his arms around my waist . I smiled before I drifted to sleep

The Next Day 

I woke up and noticed Khalil was gone . I looked on the coffee table and saw a note sitting on it .

Hey , I left a little earlier than expected . I got called into work :( . If you need anything call me . On the back of this note is the key to my house if you wanna stay there .

Love Khalil <3

I smiled at the note before turning it over and taking off the key . I put it in my bra before getting up and going upstairs . I head to Priscilla's room and seen she was still sleeping . I walked to me and Josh's room and went straight to the closet . I pulled out my suitcases and began packing my things. 

1 hour later 

All my stuff was packed so I decided to take a break and shower. I got out and got dress in a I Heart Cookies shirt with shorts and pink and black jordans . I pulled my hair in a nice ponytail . I walked down to Cill's room and seen she was dancing to Justin Bieber . I got Cill ready for the day before taking her to Josh's mother house for the day . I drove back home and packed Cill's stuff . After Cill's stuff was packet . I called the bank to see how much money I had , and I had plenty of money to get a new house . So I called a realtor and ask her to show me some houses . 

I got back in my my car and met her at the first place . I pulled in the drive way and instantly fell in love . It was my dream home . I got out the car and headed toward the women

" Hi, I'm Angel . We talked on the phone . " I introduced 

" Oh yes , . Now how do you like this house . " She asked 

" I like the outside but can you tell me more about it ? I ask

"  Yes . It has four bedrooms , two complete bathrooms, a basment , a garage and fence in backyard and a balcony going of the masterbedroom . " She informed

" I wanna see the inside " I smiled 

1 hour later 

We walked outside the house and stood on the porch 

" I wanna make an offer . " I smiled 

" Okay and when do you wanna do that ? " She asked 

" Right now " I smile

" That's great . Well why don't  you folllow me to my office and well square this away ? " She smiled 

" I would love that . " I smiled 

We got in our cars and headed towards her office . 

2 hours later 

The house is finally mine ! I hired a moving truck and help to help me move in . I personally set up Priscilla's room . 

Josh has another thing coming if he thinks he comig home to me

Authors note

Hey you guyyyysss!!! Theres only 7 chapters left so be prepared for the end . Now Angel's new house is in mulitmedia . Now remember to vote comment and enjoy 

Love Rayne ! 

His Baby : A Josh Hutcherson FanFictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora