Chapter 19 ) The Perfect Family

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2 months later 

Angel's Pov

I'm 5 months pregnant now . My baby bumps grows bigger everyday. I forgot how weird a pregnancy is until now . Today , Josh and I decided to set up and Family Q&A at a local library . Now I know your wondering , Why are you doing all this for the fans ? Don't you have a personal life ? I feel that the fans honestly keep you humble and grounded and Josh agrees with me . So durning our off time we are always connnecting with fans and doing meet and greets because without the fans , The Hutcherson would only be a label on our doorstep . 

" Josh we have to be at the meet and greet in an hour , I hope your getting ready ? " I yelled up the stairs 

" I know , I'm getting ready . "  He answered 

I wobbled up the stairs to check on Priscilla . She was playing with the LaLa Loopsy dolls she had got from Justin Bieber . I smiled . I was just so happy to have my baby back and she was safe and sound with me and Josh . I'm glad she got justice and I'm praying she wont even remember this when she gets older

" Hey Cill , start cleaning these toys up with have to get ready to meet Daddy fans . " I said 

" Mommy ? " She asked 

" Huh ? " I asked 

" My fans . Daddy just gonna be der for me . " She said as she flipped her hair over her shoulder 

I laughed . This girl is a total diva . 

" Cill , clean . Now " I said as I left the room . 

I walked over to Josh and I's room .  When I walked in , he was only wearing a towel . I bit my lip as I seen the dripplets of water flow down his toned body . 

" Like what you see ? " He laughed as he walked towards me 

I shook my head to remove myself from the transe I was in . 

" Of course , if I didn't , I wouldnt be marrying you now would I ? " I asked as I kissed his soft pink lips 

" I love you and you " Josh says as he kisses my stomach 

I smile. 

" Now get out of here and go feed my baby . " Josh says as he begins to walk to his walk in closet 

" Uggghhhh , Josh , I'm already fat . "  I huffed 

" Angel . Now " He says sternly 

I sighed as I left the room . Instead of following Josh's orders , I went back into Priscilla's room . I guess she noticed my presence because she walked towards me . 

" Mommy ? " She asked 

" What Priscilla " I asked 

" When is the baby gonna be out your tummy ? " She asked as she placed her hand on my stomach

" Why ? You ready to be a big sissy ? " I asked pinching her cheeks

" Mommy stop it . " She as she pushed my hand away. 

" Cill , mommy loves you no matter what . Do you know that ? " I said as I grabbed her hand 

" Even when the baby get here ? " She asked 

" Yes Cill . Your mommy's princess " I answered as I kissed her forehead . 

She giggled . 

" Now lets gett dressed so we can leave . I dressed her in a pink shirt with silver sequin , some some black leggings and her pink sparkly uggs. The I did her hair in some beautiful curls . After she was ready , I walked into my room and got dress in a loose pink sweater and black scarf , black leggings and black uggs . I brushed my hair back and out in a pink bandana bow in my hair . I grabbed my side satchel and phone and left the room . 

" Come on guys , we have to leave . " I yelled 

Josh and Priscilla were already waiting for me down stairs . I grabbed my daughters hand and wobbled out to the limo that was waiting for us while Josh locked the door , Soon we were on our way to be with fans .

1 hour later 

Josh's Pov 

" Hi , I'm Josh , this is my fiance Angel , and this is my little girl Priscilla . Before we answer any questions ,  my family and just want to thank you guys for coming out and spending time with us . It is a true honor to be standing in front off all you because its you guys who have made me successful . So thank you and enjoy your day with the HUtcherson's . " I explained into the mic 

I headed over to the long table where Priscilla and Angel were sitting . Soon a girl about 13 years old was standing in front of me with the biggest grin on her face . Her black curls sat perfectly on her shoulder and her brown eye starred deeply into my hazel ones . I looked down to noticed she was wearing a TeamPeeta shirt from the Hunger Games clothing line , and that made me smile . 

" NIce shirt kiddo . Whats your name ? " I asked 

" Alexandria " She answered 

" So whats your question ? " I asked 

" Well first off I want to say I freaking love you ever since I watched Bridge to Terabithia with my mom .  Your are AMAZING ! " She sqeauled 

I laughed because her cheeks were becoming a rosey red color . 

" Well thank you Alex . " I said 

" But the question I truly had was , if you can go back and change something in your life , what would it be ? " She smiled 

I looked down the table . I seen Angel laughing and talking to my fans and I seen Priscilla taking silly selfies with the little kids on her Ipod . I smiled 

" You know what , I can say I wish I can go back and grow up with my fiance . Because that would make our love 6x more special than what it is . " I answered 

" I think im gonna cry " Alex said as her eyes filled up . 

I got up from the table and hugged her . She squeezed me as hard as she could . 

" Heyy kiddo , wheres your phone ? " I asked 

She reached into her satchel and pulled out her Galaxy S2 . I opened the camera and took a few selfies with her .Then I called Cill to join us in taking picture . I could tell that made Alex even more happy . She posted the pictures on her Facebook and Instagram . I liked pictures and followed her on instagram . 

It was days like today , that I wished never ended 

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