Chapter 16) Justice For Priscilla pt.2

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" Diana its your turn " Judge warner says 

Diana stands up and heads towards the jury stand. 

" I know Mrs.Johnson's line of questioning has you thinking that my clients all are just bad people . Well the truth is that people make mistakes . And as you know already know my clients have admitted their mistakes . So please allow me to show you that my clients are not as bad as you think . " She explained 

She then heads towards the witness stand 

" Your honor , I would like to call Hugh Jackmen to the stand " She says 

A/n In case you didn't know , Hugh Jackmen is Wolverine from X-Men 

The officer then escorts Hugh to the witness stand 

" Do you promise to tell the truth and only the truth under this oath ? " The officier asked 

" Yes sir " He nodded

" Now Mr.Jackson , what do you do for a living " Diana asked

" I am a actor " He answered 

" So you've worked with a lot of people correct ? " Diana asked 

" Yes I have  "  He replied 

" Have you worked with any of my clients ? " Diana asked 

" Yes , I have worked with Jennifer in the X-Men series before " He says 

" Okay and did she ever come across as sneaky or a bad person ? " Diana asked 

" Well her character she played was one sneaky bitch but Jen off camera was a over delite and never cause a issue " He said 

" So in your opinion do you think Ms.Lawerence is capable if this case she is being accused of ? " Diana asked 

" No I do not . " He answered

" You may exit the stand now Mr.Jackmen . " Diana says 

Hugh leaves the stand and goes back to his seat . 

" You honor , I would like to call Mr.Kane to the stand . " She says 

Melvin was escorted to the witness stand . 

" Do you promise to tell the truth and only the truth under the this oath ? " The officier asked 

" I do " He says 

" Mr.Kane , do you know why you are in this court room today ? " Diana asked 

" Yes I do . " He replies 

" Why are you here today ? " Diana asked

" Because I'm apart of a crime that was commited ." He answered

" So you do admit that you were apart of the crime ? " Diana asked

" Yes I do " He says

" Now , you do realize that on this list of charges , one of the charges includes rape " Diana states 

" Yes I'm aware " He answers 

" Where you physically apart of this rape ? " Diana asks 

" No I was not " He replied 

'" Did you plan on Priscilla Dottson being raped ? " Diana asked 

" No I did not " He says 

" So your saying you personally did not have anything to do with this little girls rape and that Mr.Rogers did this on his own ? "  Diana asked 

" Yes thats is what im saying "  He replied 

" Now do you regret your part of the crime ? "  Diana asked

" Yes I do . And I am terriably sorry that the little girl was raped and I wanna apologize to her family " He said looking directtly at me . 

" No further questions your honor " Diana says 

Kane exits the witness stand and heads back to his spots . 

" Officier Gage please list the charges againist the defendents " Judge Warner asked 

" Armed robbery , Rape count 1 , Rape count 2 , and Conspiracy to commit Murder . " Officier Gage says 

" Jury do you have a verdict ? " Jusge Warner asked 

" Yes we do . "  A lady replies 

" Melvin Grant Kane please step foward . " Judge Warner says 

He did he was told 

" Please read your verdict for this defendent " Judge Warner states 

" For the charges of rape on both accounts , we find this defendent Not Guilty . On the account of Armed robbery , we find this defendent Guilty . On the account of Conspircy to commit murder , we find this defendent Not Guilty . " A lady reads 

" Melvin Grant Kane , you are guilty of armed robbery and I sentence you to 3 years in federal prision " Judge Warner says 

He was then tooken away . 

" You've got to be joking me right now . That is bullshit. He beat the living crap out of my Fiance and he gets 3 years ! This is ridiculous "  Angel yells 

" Make another outburst in my court room again Ms.Dottson and see what happens " Judge Warner threatens 

I tugg on Angel's arm and she quietly takes her seat . 

" Calvin Rogers please step foward " 

He did was told 

" Please read your verdict for this defendent " Judge Warner states 

" For the charges of rape on both accounts , we find this defendent Guilty. On the account of Armed robbery , we find this defendent Guilty . On  the account of Conspircy to commit murder , we find this defendent Not Guilty "  A lady says 

" Calvin Rogers you are guilty of Rape 1 and 2 and Armed robbery , I sentence you to 54 years in federal prision " Judge Warner says 

He looked back at us and mouthed " Im sorry " before was tooken away . Angel began to cry and I pulled her in for a hug . 

" Jennifer Lawerence please step foward " Judge Warner says 

She takes her place in front of the Judge 

" Jury read the verdict " Judge Warner says 

" On the account of Rape 1 and 2 , this defendent is Not Guilty . On the account of Armed Robbery , we find this defendent is Not Guilty . On the account of Conspiracy to commit murder , we find this dendent Not Guilty " A lady says 

Angel begins to cry louder and I begin to feel my blood begin to boil . I was beyond angry Jen got away with this 

" Well Ms.Lawerence your charges has been cleared and you are free " Judge Warner says 

" This decidion is final " Judge Warner says as he bangs his mallet 

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