Chapter 15) Justice For Priscilla pt 1

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Angel's Pov

So after the whole incident with Priscilla happened , I decided it was time to go back home to Josh . I knew he needed me there for him and I knew I needed him to be there for me . And quite frankly , I did miss him alot . After Priscilla had regained consciousness , she stayed at the hospital for about two weeks . After she was released from the hospital we took Cill go identify her rapist . It took her awhile but , she eventually did point him out. As soon as we were leaving the police station , paperrazzi was everywere. They asked us countless of questions but we never answered any . But that was about a week ago . Everyday , people would come to the house asking about Priscilla's well-being and it was all too much for me to handle . So I decide that I would do a little shopping to calm my nerves . I went to the mall and was in my favorite store when my phone rang .




"Hello" I said

" Hello this is Ellen , how are you today ? "She asked

" I've been better . " I answered

" Well I was wondering if you would do an interview with me ? I can cover the story about Priscilla's attack . " She asked

"I just dont think that a good idea . My daughter doesn't need this kind of attention "I said

"I'll pay you 10 grand " She offered

" Let me call Josh and see if he is okay with this and I'll give you a call back . " I said

"Alright Angel , you take care " Ellen said

" You too " I answered

I need to call Josh

" Josh , where are you ? " I asked

" At a book signing for Catching Fire , Why ? What's up ? " He asked

" I need to talk to you about something . " I said

" Okay give me 20 minutes and I'll meet you at Mcdonalds " He replied

" Alright . I love you " I said

" I love you too " He replied

" Bye . " He said

" Bye " I replied

I hung up and headed towards Mcdonald's

20 Minutes Later

" How was your book signing hun ? " I asked

" It was a lot of work but I enjoyed it " He said with a laugh

" That's great " I smiled

" Okay so what is it you wanted to talk about ? " He asked as he took a sip of his ice coffee

" Well I was out shopping when I got a phone call . It was Ellen . She wanted to do a interview with me on Priscilla's story. I told her that I didnt think that was a good idea but then she offered to pay me . And I don't know what do . " I explained

" How much did she offer you ? " Josh asked

" 10 grand " I answered

" Do you want to do the interview ? " Josh asked

His Baby : A Josh Hutcherson FanFictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora