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Beep, Beep, Beep. Ugh... Time for school, I stared at my alarm clock. 7:45. As I dragged myself out of bed and got into the warm shower I thought about how this day might turn out. When I finished I stumbled over to my closet looking for what I should wear on my last day in high school. I decided to put on a black dress shirt and jeans, And slipped on a soft peach colored beanie. As I grabbed my pack and a black jacket I walked out of my home and headed for the train.

As I arrived at the train station I looked around the crowd for Katie. I wandered around a bit wondering where she is, She told me to meet up here at 8:00 so we could go get some breakfast together. As the train arrived I sighed to myself. I stepped into the train and I thought to myself how horrible it would be for Katie to be late on graduation day of all days... the train left and picked up speed as I gazed across the train cart at students from my school all sitting with their friends and laughing as well as enjoying life.

Hmm I thought to myself. Where should I eat? I walked around the busy city, As I passed by a Chick-Fil-A I sighed knowing what Katie would probably want. As I entered the building I'm instantly hit with the smell of sizzling chicken. When I went up to order the employee greeted me and asked what I would like. I put in my order and Katie's usual order and asked for it to be to go. As I waited for my food I pulled out my phone to check the time, 9:27. The employee came up and gave my order and told me to have a nice day. As I walked out with 2 fast food bags, I headed off to campus for my last day hoping that Katie would arrive on time.


HAHAHAHAHA I'm high.... anyways that's my friendo. Kewl right? Wow.... I suck.... anyways THANK YA! bye.


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