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I sigh in frustration as I make my way toward campus. Thankfully it's only two blocks away from the train station.

I hurriedly check my phone to see that the time is 9:22. Shit. Now running toward the entrance, I spot a few other students piling around in different sections outside. Welp, at least I won't be late.

I sigh and lean myself against a nearby bike rack. Everything seems oddly quiet... and I know from experience that shit's about to go down when it's this quiet.

I get extremely anxious as I look back and forth, left and right. Waiting for the blow that's about to puncture my peacefulness.

...Poke. I shriek in terror as I turn around like a ninja, ready to attack anyone or anything standing in my way. But not to my surprise, it's my sneaky best friend ninja guy that happened to poke my back... like always.

He just starts cracking up at the sight of my terrified but defensive facial expression. "Y-you should've seen the look on your face!" He laughs hysterically as I just roll my eyes. Somehow he still manages to scare me... even though he's been doing that for five years now.

"You jerk! Agh!" I start laughing as well and fake punch his shoulder, at this he falls to the ground in fake pain, clutching his shoulder as if he had been shot.

I giggle and snort as I suddenly sniff the air... what... is that... chicken nuggets?! I look around and finally down at Allen's hand. A bag.

Dead serious, I squint at him. "Allen... what's in the bag?"


Hmm. Welp. Yeah. THANKS! bye


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