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     As the bell rang students started to shuffle against each other slowly forming a big mob and trying to squeeze into a small door, I started to clean up our breakfast. I rubbed my cheek from where Katie slammed my head to the ground due to her insane addiction to chicken nuggets. I readjusted the beanie on my head and threw away our trash, I quickly followed behind Katie through the crowd and into the building. As we walked our usual route to our lockers I kept rubbing my cheek as well as catching Katie glancing over to make sure I wasn't hurt.

     Once I made it to my locker I quickly spun the lock and opened up my locker, Taking off my backpack and hanging my jacket on a hook in the locker. As I unloaded my backpack filled with school supplies I spotted some other classmates chatting in the halls as they walked to their classes. After I got all my supplies, I tried sneaking up on Katie again to scare her. This time she turned around rapidly and caught me, resulting in scaring myself instead. She started laughing and describing the face I made when I got startled. Afterwards we headed towards class and entered our Study Hall.

     As we sat down in our seats, Mr. Fritz started taking role and telling us to behave even though its our last day. Me and Katie weren't paying attention to his boring lecture and decided to make notes for each other and try to figure out what each other's chicken scratch meant. After awhile Mr. Fritz finally finished with his boring lecture and allowed us to do whatever we wanted till the period ended. During that time Katie decided to teach me some tips in drawing and laughed several times at my failures, Katie started to snack on a giant cookies I gave her and was staring across the room making sure nobody dares come near the cookie.  After a couple of hours of messing around.

     RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING! The bell went off signaling us to head to our next period and our last class in high school.

     I started packing up my art supplies and got ready to head off to the next class. Afterwards I helped organize Katie's stuff while she's still eating the gigantic cookie. After we were both cleaned up we headed off to our different classes.


I wonder if there's even a point to this anymore.


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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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