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Robin's P.O.V

As soon as I got back to Wally's room I grabbed my controller so we could continue playing but he didn't seem ok, "Hey Wally you good" I ask extremely concerned, he just looked at me red faced before replying "yeah I'm fine, you" "yeah I'm ok, let's get back to the game" I say enthusiasticly he hesitates before saying the words I dreaded to hear him say "I saw your sleeve turn red" he looked like he was about to cry "Wally it was nothing really just some battle wounds I had to clean up" I say trying to stop him from shedding any tears "Then why wouldn't you let me help you like I always do" he yelled tears starting to fall "Because I don't want you to worry" "Rob I will always worry for you we're best friends" he continues as more of his tears fall "Alright Wally I got that but I worry more about you and the team than I do myself so please don't waste your worry on me" he stopped crying and looked at me even more concerned, as soon as he did I realized what I said but it was to late "W-What did you just say Rob" KF asked me nervously "I value other people more than I value myself" I say starting to become quieter and quieter "Rob that's not healthy" he says worried "neither is where I live" I whisper under my breath "WHAT, What's going on at the Manor" Wally asked slightly shocked starting to get angry "N-N-Nothing Wally N-Nothing at all" "Richard Grayson I know when you're lying to me, what's going on at the Manor" "Nothing Wally" "Really just like nothing happened with your wrist I saw it turn red and I know it can't be battle scars because we we're together the last couple of missions without leaving each other's sides and you haven't complained about your wrists until now" "P-P-Please Wally he might hear you" "Who" "H-Him" "God dammit WHO Dick" "B-Bruce"

Did I do a good cliffhanger please let me know in the comments, I'm about to rewatch Young Justice again so I will have refreshed my memory on the show. Until next time.

Love- Pride

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