A Secret

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(It's been a while, huh? I did upload a few fics on ff.net, for Beauty and the Beast (2017), Heathers and Legally Blonde. I might post them here too at some point if people are interested but aNYWAY! I saw ZOMBIES for the first time just over a month ago (I think) and I'm completely in love with it. This one-shot collection is gonna revolve entirely around the zombies themselves and be set mostly in Zombie Town. Some of them will take place during the movie, some might be pre- or post-movie. I have plans for another ZOMBIES one-shot collection focused on my OTP, Bronzo (yes, I know, my OTP isn't Zeddison, don't get me wrong though, I do love them too! I'm just a big fan of Bonzo and Bree~), and something more ambitious which isn't entirely certain yet so we'll see. In the mean time, here's some of our favourite zombie siblings~)

First day of school: total disaster.

Class in a dingy basement? Check.

Set off a Z-alert? Check.

Get punched in the face by a cute cheerleader? Check.

Rejected from the football team? Aaaand check.

Well, the 'cute cheerleader' part did have an upside to it...

Not the point.

The point was, Zed's first day at Seabrook High – a humans' high school – hadn't exactly lived up to his expectations. His dad had been right, humans did not like zombies. Well, most of them didn't. At least Zed had been right about some humans. Or, well, one in particular. Addison hadn't liked zombies until she met him. Addison was willing to change her mind. Addison-

OK, stop thinking about Addison.

He paused outside the front door of his house. He heard Eliza's door closing from the other side of the street behind him. The little pep-talk she'd given him earlier after try-outs hadn't helped. The whole walk home had consisted of Zed and Eliza continuing to argue, and Bonzo trying, and failing, to diffuse the situation. Bonzo had left with a huff and roll of his eyes once they reached their street while Eliza fixed Zed with her classic 'you-know-I'm-right'-look before telling him not to let it get to him and saying goodbye. He knew this was just her way of showing she cared, but he couldn't help wanting to prove her wrong.

Taking a deep breath and shaking off the bad vibes, Zed opened the door.

"I'm home!"


He was immediately met with a seven-year-old to the leg, causing him to stumble slightly. He couldn't help grinning as he scooped a giggling Zoey up into his arms but before either of them could say anything, their dad entered the hallway.

"Hey, Zed," he smiled, but Zed knew what was coming, "How was your first day, huh?"

"Pretty good," he shrugged, giving a slight nod, and glanced from his dad, to his sister, and back again, "A whole lot different to zombie school, that's for sure."

"Yeah? And, uh... what about football try-outs?"

And there it is.

Zed tried to brush it off while his dad raised an eyebrow. He felt Zoey's grip on his shoulder tighten as she looked at him, so hopeful. He let out a sigh, one that he hoped sounded nonchalant enough to get him out of another talk like the one from that morning, but he wasn't so sure it worked.

"Didn't quite make the team. It's no big deal, I guess they just didn't have room for everyone, y'know?" he leaned in a little closer to Zoey's ear and whispered, "Or maybe they were too intimidated by my skills."

Zoey couldn't stop herself from giggling at her brother's face - the cocky smirk and the quirked eyebrow. Zed's jaw dropped in mock offense.

"Are you laughing at me?"

Beyond the Barrier: Zombie Town One-shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz