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Liam’s POV

“I am deeply interested in you but I guess we have to keep things neutral in here if we both are going to be stuck in this place.” She said.

My hopes were all up and I was ready to just go to sleep for the so I could see her face smile and listen to her voice saying my name over and over again.

“Amanda these past few days with you has been the best days that I have had since I was little and my mom was around.” I replied.

             I laid down to go to sleep and I left her sitting on the edge of the bed. I began to shut my eyes as I felt the covers move on the left side of me. I rolled over so I wouldn’t have to look at her and wonder if she’s thinking about me.

Just when I was about to doze off I felt an arm wrap around my side and I turned around to face her. She was smiling right at me and I knew that it wasn’t time to give up all hopes yet.

“Amanda what are you doing I thought you didn’t want me.”

“I never said that I didn’t want you, I just don’t want to lose you.”

The next thing I know she is taking my hand pulling me closer and closer to her. We were side by side and I could feel her heartbeat against me. With every movement and every breathe I felt her little by little.

I was lost I the moment all of sudden I realized that we had locked lips and I didn’t ever want it to stop. All at once I felt her slip away from me into a deep deep sleep.

As soon as I knew it I was awoken and ran into the bathroom. I took a shower and hurriedly got out. As I was stepping out of the shower and all of a sudden I heard shuffling in the bedroom. I threw a pair of boxers on and hurried out. I saw to my surprise two plated one with eggs and bacon on it and the other with pancakes on it I’m guessing Charley snuck them in.

On my pillow was a sweatshirt and sweat pants along with new boxers and socks folded up. On hers was a pair of shorts and a t-shirt along with a bright red bra.

She was sitting crisscross on the bed and was watching TV. She smiled at me and asked. “So Liam how did you sleep?”

“I slept better than I have since the first night here, since it has been about 3 weeks already in this torturous cabin together.”

“I am so sorry about last night how I umm I mean we kissed and I am sorry about that since I don’t know if you wanted that to happen or not.”

“NO!!! Don’t be sorry at all I wouldn’t take back anything that happened last night. I want you and only you and I will never stop until I get you to myself.”

“Liam, I loo…ike you too and I wish that we could be more than this and that we could do a whole lot more than we are getting to do right now. At this point I just don’t want to get hurt and have to be stuck with the hurt forever.”

“I want that to I want long walks on the beach and the date night movies along with staying up to watch the sunrise over and over again.”

“Why do you have to be just like a fairytale?”

“Excuse me I am not a fairytale, I consider myself as a romantic.”         

“Well that is nice I guess. I wish I could reconsider my new thoughts about you but you’re really growing on me.”

“As much as I wish that we could do things that real couples do. As much as I want you to grow on me and me to grow on you, I truly and internally am falling for you.”

I love her so much but I don’t know how to say it to her.

I guess I just don’t want her to turn on me and I want to get to know her better before we rush into anything. I finally realize what was happening as soon as I was brought back to reality from her hand on my leg. I immediately felt sparks fly in every part of my body.

“Amanda do you want to maybe try another.. I don’t know um kiss possibly? And it is not by any means wrong if you say no, it is totally okay. Totally.”

“I guess that would be fine with me I don’t know if that would be okay with you or not. I want to be with you not just here but everywhere.”

I rubbed my hand on her cheek and I leaned in for a kiss. In no time we were both laying on our backs panting with only a sheet covering us. Our hands still intertwined and right then and there I knew that she was the one. An hour or two past and we were dressed in our clothes once again.

“I just want you to know that I really luuuve you.”

“I love you too.” I said as I leaned in for a


“May you always love me?”

“Of course I will always love you.”

She let out a sigh of relief “I will never leave you.”

Amanda’s POV

I know I love him and that I never want to leave him, not even in a million years. I will adore him forever. I will always admire how much he cares for me.

He walks across the room towards me and smiles. “Amanda you are my forever and always. I know that I will always be part of you and you will always be a part of me.”

MythTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon