Finding the truth

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Amanda’s POV

        I stare out the window of the sheriff’s car door as we pull into my driveway. I see my 3 story yellow house with its white shutters grow closer and closer. Liam touches my thigh and I realize I have to come up with a reason for why he is coming to my house with me.


    We climb out of the car and walk through the front door of my house. I see my beautiful wrapping staircase that I had my dad put in for me.  I walk toward the backyard where my brother usually is.


  “Matt?” I ask as I walk towards him. He turns around towards me. I see tears running down his face.


“Manda? Is that really you?” He wraps his arms around me and I kiss him on the cheek.


“Um I’m still here.” I am startled as I realize that Liam is still behind me.


“Liam this is my big brother Matt.” I back away as Liam reaches out a hand to shake Matt’s hand as they shake hands I sigh.


“Nice to meet you.” Liam says a little too quickly.


“Um, hey thanks for bringing my little sis back.” Matt replies


“Matt can u sit down for a second?” I say to Matt quietly.

Matt backs up to a chair and I stand right in front of him. “Matt do you see anything different with me?” I ask him. He shakes his head and begins to cry.


“No, no, no this isn’t right. This isn’t real, you can’t be. No” He begins to yell.


“Don’t yell at me Matt, I’m happy.” He stands up and pokes Liam in the chest.


  “ You did this, didn’t you! Why in the world would you do this?” I swear Matt is about to faint.


“Amanda?” I hear behind me and I know right away it’s Emily, my stepmom. “Liam?!?”


  “How do you know his name?” I asked quickly.


  “Um the she…” Liam interrupted her. “Mom? is that you?” Liam spoke softly.


“Liam can I speak with you privately?” she replies


“No anything you have to say can be said in front of Amanda and...” I nudged his arm.


  “and what?” she asked.


Liam says slowly and quietly, “And our baby.” He wraps his arms around my waist softly. He is so close that I can feel his heartbeat his breaths against my ear.


   “Liam, do you know what you are saying?!?” She asks with an angry tone.


“Yes, mother I do! Now either you tell me why the hell you left me in the woods to suffer or you can accept that we are together!” Liam is practically screaming at her.


“Mother?” Matt finally speaks up.


“Yes, I am Liam’s mother. Get over it Matt, I love him dearly and I never wanted to hurt you Liam I am sorry I miss you everyday.”


“Liam come on lets go for a walk?” I can finally comprehend what just happened.


“Okay, yea lets get out of here.” He takes my hand and we race out the front door. We begin to slow down as we come to the corner.

“Babe I don’t know how this could’ve happened. I thought that she had died in the woods somewhere. You have got to know that i never meant for any of this to happen to either of us.” I turn towards him and rest my hands on his shoulders.

“I know.” I want to say more to him but nothing else seems to come out. I want ot say that I love him and that nothing will ever change between us. He leans down and wraps his arms around me, and kisses me slowly.

“I love you.”He says to me. “Nothing will get in the way of my love for you.”

“Nothing?” I whisper into his ear. “That’s a hard promise to keep.”

“Its not a promise, its a vow.” He pulls me close to him so there is no longer a space between us. I stare down at the ground my head is touching his chest. I breathe in slowly and feel his chest pushing in and out with every breath that he takes in. He reaches down and pulls my chin up slowly to look at him. He smiles and rubs his nose to mine, like a cat’s kiss.

“You are my only wish, and you are the best thing I could’ve wished for.”

We walked back to the house, Emily was sitting on the front porch waiting for us to return. I pulled Liam passed her and we went into the house.


   “Uh, Amanda dear?” Emily said. But Liam and I ran upstairs.


“Liam come here” I sit lay down on my bed as he walks around looking at my walls. The have Paris and ballet all layered around it but everything is in black and white. I made sure when decorating that there would not be any color.


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