Something New

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“Will you maybe want to talk about you for a whole I mean we have been in here for so long, but i barely even know anything about you.” I said to him.

“I mean if you want to my life wasn’t really that interesting until you came along.”

“Well that is a good start… I mean if you think it is a good start..” I am very nervous about this and I think that is is starting to realize that I am.

“Well it starts out that my mom was very beautiful i think. At least that is what I remember.” He cleared his throat.

“I was playing by the creek one day i was about go into the house when all of a sudden I heard my mom scream.” He was trying hard to fight back the tears that were creeping their way out.

“She ran out clutching her arm as i watched blood stream down her bare arm. She had a cut running from her shoulder all  the way down to her elbow. She grabbed me and we took off running. Charley came after us he had a large object in his hand, it took me a second to realize it was a bat. After a while she lost so much blood that she could barely move. She fell to the ground, Charley grabbed me and brought me back to the house. He beat me the rest of the night first with the bat then with his belt.” He pulled up his shirt and showed me his rib cage. I then saw long slashes running from his sternum all the way to his spine on his right side. “That night was the worst night of my life, he took me to a bed, strapped me to it, then took out his knife and began cutting me. Little by little I began to lose blood. I couldn’t move for over two weeks. After that night i swore i would grow and i would avenge my mother one day.” He was now sobbing and whispering so I could only partually hear what he said. “ That was until now, now I can’t, I can only hope to someday have something better come along in my life. That something better must be you.” He looked into my eyes and smiled.

“I want you to know that i care about you very, very much and I always will care. About you no matter what.” I stood up and turned up the tv as on of my favorite songs came on.

"Can't Help Falling In Love" By: Elvis Presley

Wise men say only fools rush in

But I can't help falling in love with you

Shall I stay

Would it be a sin

If I can't help falling in love with you

I stood in front of him, I pulled him up off of the bed. I put my hands around his neck as he put his hands on my waist. We swayed back and forth for a few seconds.

Like a river flows surely to the sea

Darling so it goes

Some things are meant to be

Then I laid my head down on his shoulder. I could hear his heart beating fast.

So take my hand, and take my whole life too

Cause I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows so surely to the sea

Oh my darling so it goes

Some things are meant to be

So won't you please take my hand, and take my whole life too

Cause I can't help falling in love, in love with you

Cause I can't help falling in love, falling in love,

I keep falling in love with you


After it ended I collapsed on the bed and smiled. He slowly lowered himself  on to the bed and sighed. We laid there for an hour or two and finally I was done waiting for him to talk so I finally just turned over and shut my eyes. He did the same except the part Where he rolled over and put his arm around me.

When I woke up it was around 2am. I walked into the bathroom, all of a sudden I have an urge to throw up. I knelt down by the toilet and all of a sudden I threw up over and over again I coughed up blood and it wouldn’t stop coming up.


  I crawled up into a ball and wrapped my arms around my legs. I rocked back and forth, I cried and cried. Around 3:30ish Liam came in, I guess he didn’t realize that when he entered the bathroom he blinked and saw me. I was covered in blood and i was crying so hard. He knelt down by me and he rubbed my back for awhile repeating,

“baby, I’m so sorry.” over and over again. He stood up and started cleaning up my mess I felt so guilty for having him do what I should have been doing, but I know that if I even try and stand up on my own I will fall over.


  About 3 weeks past and I threw up two-three days a week. Liam was concerned for my health i was losing a lot of weight. On that Friday he hugged me from behind by wrapping his arms around my stomach.

“Umm… Amanda?” he said quickly.


“Huh?” I replied


“Sweetie are you gaining weight?”


  “I don’t think so i haven’t kept anything down in weeks.”


“Well maybe you should feel your stomach.” so I put my hands on my stomach. I felt it for a second. It felt different, more full, larger than it was before.

At that minute all at once it rushed back to me, that night, oh that wonderful, beautiful night that we had done it all. I smiled at the thought, at that moment I had realized that my dream of there being an us actually coming true. Since that this gift of ours was our little forever.

“My sweet, do you realize what this means?” he looked at me confused with the smile on my face.

“I am perfect, I mean we are perfect. My dream came true for us.”

“What do you mean by dreamed for this to happen?” he said a little more loudly.

“ I mean that my dream for there to always be a you and I is coming true.”

“Babe we didn’t need a baby for there to be a you and I.” He turned me around to face him and he looked me in the eyes.

“But now there is a baby for us. We are going to be alright,” he began to whisper 

“ I promise you.” He tipped my head up to his and then he kissed me.

“I believe you for now but, I don’t want you to run out of my life is we end up getting out of here.” I feel a tear streaming down the side of my cheek.

“I will stay with you until the end of time. Baby I promise you I will stay with you wherever life will take us.” He kisses the top of my head. “You should go take a nice long bath to relax a bit, we will be okay.”

As I walked into the bathroom I began to think. I undress then climb into the bathtub, and start the water. After a few minutes I begin to cry and my body begin to shake. “Without His love I can do nothing, with His love there is nothing I cannot do” I repeated over and over again. I can’t stop crying now I begin to scream at the top of my lungs for Liam. He ran in to me.

“What happened? Are you okay? Please what happened?” He sits down by me and he rubs my back as I sob into my legs.

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