Story Guide

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8 Realms and the Cosmos

Human realm - Realm of non  supernaturals

Ujilana - Moon's garden, werewolves' world.

Miraya - mixed creatures live here. Birthplace of all super natural creatures

Yugume - world of water creatures
Neiru - world of fire, reigned by dragons

Ronos - land of small creatures like dwarves and elves
Tabere - world of flying creatures

Zon - dark lands. Prison of sinned to the Gods.


King Creedos of Ujilana

Princess Aryann/ Yanny Calvin

Jeremy Calvin/Papay

Queen Amethyst - Aryann's mother,
queen of Miraya

King Nathaniel - Aryann's father Heir of Neiru

9th realm - IYAMA- realm of Gods

Kaayu - King of Gods, He created the realms and all of the creatures

Illia- Goddess of the Sun and Cosmos, wife of Kaayu

Damian - God of fire

Sukia - Moon Goddess

Chuumi - Water God

Mawai - God of Air

Ideor - Mother of lands

Niijah - Goddess of darkness

Hey sweeties!
It's been so long. What's up. I'm so sorry, something came up so I can't make the update just as I promised. Anyway, here are some of the characters and places/realms I included in this book.

It will be a series of you are wondering. Additional characters will be added later on the next chapters together with their photos.yay!
Soo..yeah.. that's it for now.
Thanks for stopping by..

I didn't copy any of these names and places. If ever some might think I did, it's just pure coincidence.

Lots of love.

Aryann: Alpha King's Hybrid MateWhere stories live. Discover now