‣ scene 24 [confess it to the dark]

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NOTE: i meant to have this up earier and it's been sitting almost-finished for a day or two, but i got distracted with the beginning of my slow descent into voltron hell. please keep me in your prayers— i've just finished season one and i already love keith to an unreasonable degree :'D to make up for the delay, though... this is probably the single most fluffy and corny thing i have written to date, so there's that.


It was pitch-black outside by the time Kiyotaka managed to work up his nerve.

It was past his usual bedtime, and he'd gotten changed into his pajamas and curled up in his bed. He stared at the phone screen for a long minute, hand trembling with anticipation. For a second, he thought about giving up, and a voice in the back of his head told him that he would be a bother if he called. But he took a deep breath, chased that voice away, and clicked the call button.

The phone rang only once. Of course Mondo would pick up right away.

"Holy shit, is that actually you?"

"...I-It is," Kiyotaka admitted, embarrassed. His lip quirked up at one corner despite himself at Mondo's feigned shock. He heard the other man laugh.

"Well, 'm glad. I was just thinkin' about ya. It's nice t'hear your voice, even if I can't actually see ya."

Kiyotaka, for one, was glad that Mondo couldn't see him at this exact moment, because he gulped and felt his face turn bright red. He'd forgotten that people's voices tended to sound lower and a bit raspier over the phone, and that the inability to see the other person often let the imagination run wild. Mondo sounded really sexy, and the compliments weren't helping. That irritating little voice reminded him that since Mondo couldn't see him, he'd have no way of knowing what Kiyotaka was doing on his end. Kiyotaka gathered his mental defenses and told that voice to shut up and quit being such a pervert all the time.

"What, um... What are you doing right now?" He asked. Mondo snickered.

"What are you wearing?" Kiyotaka didn't answer that question and glared at the receiver. "...Kidding. I'm just kidding."

"Were you really?!"

"I was just gettin' ready to put the dogs to bed, actually. Everybody had dinner. I've got this fuckin' massive closet offa the kitchen, n' I'm not somebody with a ton of stuff, so we turned it inta their bedroom."

Kiyotaka laughed.

"The dogs have their own bedroom?"

"They sure do. I keep all their supplies in there, too, 'sides the food n' treats. They've each got a little nook for their beds. ...Biscuit never uses hers, though. She always gets in Gigi's bed." Mondo's voice, when he said "Biscuit", was louder and somewhat scolding. Kiyotaka imagined him shooting the mini-pin a look out of the corner of his eye. Somewhere in the background, a collar jingled.

"Is it hard to get them to go to bed?"

"Sure, sometimes. But they get plenty'a activity durin' the day, so they usually fall asleep pretty quick." Kiyotaka heard Mondo's footsteps for a moment or two, and then a small grunt as he likely sat down. "So, uh... what did ya wanna talk about?"

Kiyotaka's face turned an even more shocking shade of red, and just when he'd recovered.

"I-I... I'm not actually sure?"

Mondo laughed.

"That's fine. Y'can call me whenever ya want, no reason necessary. ...Anythin' happen today?"

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