The Bloody Cat

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Chapter 17

Daren’s POV

Her hands touch the lashes on my chest, and I grunt in pain.

“What the…” She whispers.

“I… I um…”

“Daren,” she whispers softly rolling us to the side and sitting up, she leans over and pulls my shirt gently off of my head, I don’t stop her.

“Crap Daren,” she gently touches the puffs of flesh, and then her eyes squint.

“What are these?” She asks, referring to the welts and the newly discovered cuts all over my body.

"I uh… Didn’t come home last night, my dad was angry,” I whisper.

“So he whipped and cut you?” She looks at me horrified.

“Um no just hit me with a belt.” Realization filled her eyes and she teared up a little.

“Dammit Daren you seemed so happy all the time, I never thought someone like you could be so hurt that you would do what I do to myself…” She trails off not realizing what she’s said. I lean over and roll up her hoodie sleeves, “what are you doing?” I look at the criss-cross white and red lines on her skin.

I look up at her again, “Gently,” I whisper and I lean in towards her. We kiss and I lean her against a swing poll shifting us upwards, she wrapped her legs around me.

“Whoa, Daren thought I’d come try my luck on you but it looks like Ary Angel got to you first,” Mitchel teases, “the others are looking for you guys.”

Arya’s POV

We head back to the fire, everyone whoops and wolf-whistles turning Daren the brightest shade of red. The only people not cheering are Bryan and Steven; they’re leaned in close against a tree near the fireside. Who’d have thought?

The others notice me not paying attention and turn to Bryan and Steven as well, just as Bryan leans Steven over and Steven pulls him down on top of him and their lips meet. The group grins stupidly over each other and Carie screechs, eyes full of mischief.

She runs over and dog piles them, the whole group following her lead.

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