xv : Incipiency

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The snowflakes kept falling down from the sky that night. It was very windy outside the small house. Inside the house was very quiet. Sound of heavy breath was the only thing breaking the quietness.

You slowly opened your eyes, waking up on the cold floor. Your small body sat up and your eyes started to look around in confusion. The room was dim and the window was broken. There was some snow scattering on the floor near the window.

Your turned your back to the other side of the room. Only a few steps away from you, you can see a figure lying down on the floor. It was your father right there, trying to stay concious. There were two gunshots on his abdomen and another one on his shoulder. It was amazing that he could survive both the gunshots and the cold of that night.

You crawled toward him. "Dad?" You sat next to him and started to burst into tears. "Dad? Can you hear me? Please answer me." You took off your winter gloves and jacket. You quickly took the jacket and tried to stop the bleeding based on what you saw on TV.

Your father opened his mouth and said to you, "Call Uncle Vaughn. Call Mr. Deacon for me." He grabbed his phone from his coat and gave it to you.

You quickly searched for your father's friend's number. You called him as soon as you got his number and put the phone on speaker. "H-Hello? Uncle Vaughn? Please come here. Dad just got shot. I don't know what to do." You hurrilly said when he answered the call.

"Your dad? Alright. Hang in there," said Vaughn. It only took him a few minutes to get there. Too bad your father was already by the peak of his conciousness by the time Vaughn got there and you knew that once he lost his conciousness, that meant you already lost him forever.


You woke up to the sound of a couple of people talking. It was unclear what they were talking about. You looked around you without making a move. You were in the back seat of a rather small car which was strolling down an empty road leading to somewhere. You didn't know where for exact, but it's definitely somewhere.

The previous men from the alley were sitting on the front seats with the more buff guy's hands on the wheel. You needed to get out of there, but how? And suddenly an idea flashed by. It was ... a stupid idea, but worth the try.

"Hey, change the radio. It's one of those cheesy songs again," asked one of them to the other one as he kept his focus on the road.

"Why? I heard this song yesterday and it's not bad at all. I like it." The other guy spoke out his opinion.

Great. They're not well aware that you're up.

There it was. Your chance to escape.

You tried to sit up as quiet as possible, which you nailed to do greatly as a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and a skillful S.T.AT.I.O.N. operative. You kept your head low under the head of the seats so they wouldn't be able to see you from the mirror.

It's time.

One ...

Two ...


You suddenly wrapped your arm around the smaller man's neck. You pulled him to the seat and locked his neck right there and then. "Stop the car!"

"Shit! Why didn't you hancuff her?!" The man you were strangling struggled to get out as he yelled at his partner.

They both went panic from the surprise attack. The man on the wheel immediately turned the car out of the road in a furious way.

"Dude! Were you trying to kill us?!" Complained the guy who was trying to get off from you. Your strangle on him was loose enough for him to still be able to speak, yet strong enough to keep a guy his size under your own control.

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