xx : A Step Back

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There were red and blue light flashing, reflected on the pile of snow surface. It was in the middle of the night during a cold winter. Police cars were there along with an ambulance. A couple of people from the hospital emergency service sled a zipped up body bag into the ambulance. Inside the house, a few people, supposedly investigators took photos of the dimly lit interior.

You, the little you, sat on the back seat of a police car with the door open. It was cold but you had a warm thick coat wrapped around your shoulder. Across from you was a man, Vaughn, talking to a detective. Everyone could see from his face, the detective was tired as it was late at night.

"So, the window's been broken and the money's gone by the time you got here?" The detective questioned.

"Exactly, Sir. I called the cops as soon as I got here," answered Vaughn.

The detective looked down at his shoes and let out a long sigh. "I suppose we'll have to file this as robbery then." He looked back at your father's friend. "I apologize, Mr. Deacon. But it's snowing, and we can't find any trace of the culprit. They used the victim's gun. An oddly perfect crime."

Vaughn looked away, knitted his eyebrows, and took a long breath in, as if he was heavyhearted. "I- I can understand that," said Vaughn.


You were standing next to your aunt. The atmosphere was overwhelming. Everyone looked sorrow. It was probably from the black attire everyone was wearing. You did not know what to do during the funeral. You did not know any of these people. The only person you knew there was your aunt, you had been following her around, but she was busy talking to all her friends and acquaintances.

You looked around you. Some people there were staring at you. And you did not have any single clue why.

"Let's go, YN," called your Aunt. "You have school tomorrow." She wrapped your small hand in hers and led you out of the somewhat dreary room.

You could felt pairs of eyes staring at you as you walked by.

"I heard that girl is the murderer." You heard a man whispered.

"A little girl like her?" asked a woman in disbelief.

"They turned a blind eye to every evidences leading to her." The man commented.

You heard the woman let out a small gasp. "What kind of daughter kills her own father? That's unbelievable!"


You opened your locker and looked at it in a mixture of emotions. You were moving to your aunt's place and you had to empty your locker. So you took the things in front of you and stuffed everything into a bag. You shoved all memories deep on the bottom of it.

People stared at you as you walked through the hallway. Their piercing gaze was really cold. They were whispering into each other ears.

"I heard, she killed her father." You heard a girl said.

"Are you kidding me? That's bad ass!" The boy next to her exclaimed in a half whisper.

"But what if she kills us all, Daniel?" replied the girl. It was as if she was truly worried.

"Oh, come on," said the boy. "There's no way she's a serial killer."

"The girl said to the boy, "She only lived with her father in an isolated area, her father just died, and now she's moving to her aunt's place. Doesn't that sound shady to you?"

The taller boy crossed his arms. "Where did you get this info again?"

"I have friends and connections. And I can assure you they are trustworthy." She answered.

With that over with, you went outside the school where your aunt was waiting for you. From then on, you never visited that place ever again.


I'm having final exams soon and then I'll be on family vacation. I'll try to write something during my spare time. See you on the next update!

Elirara ❤

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