xxiv : Let Go

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In memory of Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, and Steve Rogers.



You were sitting on a chair in the center of a brightly lit room. A table was in front of you, Steve and Natasha across. In a corner of the room, Tony was watching while leaning on the wall.

"I'm guessing you're interogating me?" You asked to break the silence down.

"No shit, sherlock," answered the man in the corner.

Steve looked over his shoulder, "Tony." He called out.

"We need you to cooperate," said Natasha.

"I'm listening." You replied.

"That old guy," Natasha slipped a photo of Vaughn on the table, "you know him?"

"Vaughn Deacon is my father's ..." you tried to choose the right word, "... co-worker. He kept on talking some nonsense. I don't really know." You said. "He wanted me and Buck for whatever reason."

"Where's Bucky?" Steve straightforwardly asked.

"I don't know." You answered shortly in a half whisper.

Steve leaned closer. "You were with him a few weeks ago."

"Look, I don't remember, Steve." You sighed. "You told me that you found me on a machine. Well I don't remember anything before it. I remember things before the abduction and fragments of what happened in the house, but the rest?"

You paused and looked at Steve closely in his eyes. "Steve, you know I wouldn't lie to you."

"Like how you would lie to us?" said a voice from a corner of the room. Tony approached the table in the center of the room.

"Tony, you don't have to do this." Steve tried to stop him.

"Oh, I do." Tony replied. "We need to put an eye on her."

"I don't think it's necessary." Steve said.

"Oh yeah?" Tony looked straight at Steve. "Remind me who did she try to kill again? Hm?"

It was silence. No answer.

"That's right, Cap. You." He pointed at the said person. "Don't want DC to happen all over again do we?"

None dared to say anything.

"I'm doing this for our own good. Sokovia was enough. It doesn't have to be FBI or the security council, but she needs to be put under a check."

You looked at him and thought about his words. "Steve, maybe Tony's right. Maybe it's the best for all of us."

That's true. I mean, it won't hurt right? Everyone was trying to keep this low and away from public. Nobody needed unnecessary attention and publication about this.

Maybe we really should try it ....


It was a few days after the interrogation. Life was ... boring. You had evaluations and checks with some S.T.A.T.I.O.N. staffs to see how you were doing.

That morning, they decided that you can go back to your place, which was moved to the new Avengers Compound in DC because apparently the Avengers Tower was damaged after an incident with Ultron while you're gone.

You were also assigned by S.T.A.T.I.O.N. to be Steve's partner and backup. Both of you were totally okay with it, happy even. After all, you two already know each other for some time now.

You had to be under Steve's or other S.T.A.T.I.O.N. agents watch all the time outside the Avengers Compound.

It was a bit annoying to be honest.

So now you're in your new bedroom. It was simple and some of your stuffs were still in moving boxes.

You sat on the floor beside your bed, the sunlight basking the room, shining through your window curtains.

Footsteps came to your ears and the mext second followed by a knock on the door.

Golden blonde hair, dark brown eyes, a white button up shirt, a pair of dark trousers, and a blazer with matching color to the trousers. It was that guy who picked you up from the hospital when S.H.I.E.L.D. just fell down and you're recruited into S.T.A.T.I.O.N. by Fury and Maria Hill. Daniel Meredith, was he?

"Hey," he called out, "you're okay?"

You glanced at him for some moment before answering, "I guess."

What was he doing there?

He walked inside and sat next to you. You moved aside as he did so.

"S.T.A.T.I.O.N. assigned you to Captain Rogers, right?" asked Daniel. "I just got assigned to Wilson." He informed.

Good to hear that Sam got someone to look after him and backup as well, but it didn't really matter to you, you know. I mean, out of all conversation openers he chose that. Really?

You stayed quiet and it went kind of awkward. So he said another sentence, "I don't know if you still remember about it or not, but we used to go to the same school."

"Uh, what?"

"I remember your name."

You shifted your head at him. "And you didn't tell me earlier?"

"I'm just waiting for the right moment." He said.

Alright, he made it sounded like it was a big deal or something.

"Since Carter and Barnes aren't around right now ..." he paused, "... I want you to depend on me instead."


"Wait, what do you mean?" You asked.

"If you have any problem, just tell me. I'll be there for you," answered the blonde haired man.

Well, that was sudden.

"Is this part of your job? Keeping an eye on me or something?" You cautiously asked.

"No, I-I just want to." He answered.

"You know," you gave him a bitter smile, "if there's one thing I've learnt from this horrible event, it is not to trust people easily."

You then looked away from him and just stared at your feet.

There was this uncomfortable silence filling in the room that moment.

You can hear the clock ticking in the middle of that quietness.

You sighed. "I really miss him, Meredith." You broke down after all these series of tireless event and the sudden missing of Bucky. "I wish he was here." You said.

Daniel scooted over closer to you. "I'm here for you Y/N." He wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

For once you didn't mind it.

For now you only need someone to lean on.

Someone to comfort you.

And it was Bucky.

"I need him ..."




- END -

And ... that's it.

Oh and this is what I meant when I said "inspiration." I finished this in what? 4 days? 5 I wish this could happen all the time.

Btw do you have any recommendations for Daniel Meredith's faceclaim? I'm trying to find one.

Eliraraa ❤

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