xvi : Encounter

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The car finally stopped moving. There wasn't any sound from outside.

Bucky's body was aching from trying to stay still in the car trunk for a one whole trip, which was a hell one of a trip. He had to keep quiet all the time and keep his eyes wide open no matter how boring it was for him because he just couldn't leave you alone. He felt the need to stay up and aware for you.

Bucky slowly moved his hand to open the trunk. But then he froze as soon as he heard a car door being slammed close. He didn't want to risk you being harmed, just like when you tried threatening your kidnappers. He really wanted to help you out, but then it would only get both of you in trouble.

Bucky left a small gap for him to take a peek of what's happening outside. He wasn't far from an airport. There were planes and big buildings not far from the car.

"Where you at? I parked the car near the hangar."

Bucky could hear someone talking, probably on phone.

"Fifteen minutes? Alright, I'm leaving the key under the car."

That someone (presumably a man based on his voice) walked closer to the car after finishing the call. There was a rattling sound like something small and metal dropped to the ground. It was most likely, which Bucky was a hundred percent sure with, the said key to the car.

Bucky kept quiet inside the cramped space. He heard the man walking away while talking to someone, probably on his phone again.

"The plane is taking off in an hour?"

Bucky heard the guy and made a mental note to check the flight schedule later.

"Wait, how long does it take to Odessa? ... Great, at least I get to sleep."

The man started to walk away and his voice started to fade. Bucky didn't get to hear the flight number, but the information he had gotten should do.

When Bucky couldn't hear anything else from the outside anymore, besides the sound of the busyness of an airport, he opened the car trunk. He looked around to make sure no one was there. After he was sure enough, he then stepped outside the car, closed the trunk again, and walked away from that place.

Not far from there, in the corner of his eyes, Bucky saw a hangar with a familiar, dynamically shaped "A" letter with an arrow pointing to the right, painted on the wall of the hangar with a ring on it (I suppose you know what that means). He quickly walked to the hangar to find a small quinjet similar to the one the Avengers had in their tower. He took a look around, no one was near the hangar else than himself.

Bucky took quiet, careful steps toward the quinjet. He rechecked on his surrounding and the quinjet's condition. The area was opened widely, he could take off any time, and the quinjet was in a great condition. The brunette opened the entrance to the technologically advanced jet. He prepared the quinjet, getting ready to leave the ground.

In just a minute Bucky was ready and off he went. The tires left the ground and soon was hidden inside the body of the quinjet. The jet exited the hangar and flew free in the air, getting a little closer to the layer of clouds by each second until he was finally up above the cloud.


Bucky landed the quinjet he taken, in an empty field in Odessa. It was dawn when Bucky finally arrived. He didn't need much time to get to the crowded part of the city. He wore a jacket he found in the airplane to hide his metal arm in order to avoid commotion and brought a map he found in the quinjet along with him.

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