Chapter 3-This is Hell!

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Halia's P.O.V.

Halia! My sister's voice resounds in my head and I open my eyes to see a doctor looking down at my stomach. Where am I? I can't feel the lower half of my body and my stomach feels wet and sore.

A nurse rushes into the room and whispers something to the doctor. The doctor looks stricken for a moment, but only a moment.

"Don't tell her yet," I hear the doctor say to the nurse.

Huh? The room spins in circles. My head starts to throb and then everything disappears.

Three days later...

I wake up in a quiet room with plain white walls. Fear courses through my body and I know that something's not right, where's Rayen? She was here wasn't she? I can vaguely remember the nurses holding her back as I'm rushed away. Where is she? I sit up in the bed I'm in and feel a jolting pain go through my stomach. I scream and clutch my stomach.

A nurse rushes in at my scream and tells me to lay back down. I do as she tells me and the pain lessens. Then I remember why I'd sat up. "Where's my sister?" I question.

"Uh, sh-she's resting in a different room at the moment," the nurse answers with a slight stutter.

"There's no use lying to her," a man says behind her, presumably the doctor. The woman jumps in surprise.

I give the doctor a confused look. "What do you mean lying?" I ask quizzically.

The doctor sighs, "you're sister is dead," he says.

A cold wind sweeps in through the open window and blows my hair into my face. Tears plop onto my hand and I feel chills run up my arms.

"No!" I say in a quiet voice, "she wouldn't leave me," I say as I look at the doctor with a tear streaked face. "She wouldn't!" I scream, launching myself out of the bed. Pain rips through my stomach but I ignore it. I rip the IV out of my arm and run for the door. The nurse and doctor try to hold me back, but I don't let them. I bolt out the door and down the hall looking for a way out of this hell. I pick a random direction and run down the hall. Nurses see me running like a madwoman and try to grab my arms, but are unable to. I'm unstoppable! "Rayen!" I scream. No one answers me and cry even harder. I start to feel light headed, then the ground rushes up to meet me.

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