Chapter 6-Newbie

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Halia's P.O.V.

I walk down the moonlit streets of Konoha thinking to myself Halia, you're an absolute idiot!

I walk around the town trying to find my way to the apartment, almost getting lost, wait a second...I am lost! I am... I am...where am I? Seriously, I need a map of this place, I think in exasperation.

I start to walk back the way I've come and end up tripping on a fuzzy rock. I hit the ground hard and can feel my stomach start to ache. Geez, stupid fuzzy rock! I think annoyed, wait, what? fuzzy? I sit up from the sprawled position I'm in and turn around. A white puppy with brown ear tips sits at my feet whimpering. Awe, poor puppy. I put my hand out for it to sniff. It slowly comes up to me and sniffs my hand tentatively and then licks my fingers. I touch it's soft fur and scratch behind it's ears. "I'm sorry I tripped on you," I say, the dog just licks my hand as if to say it's alright. "Awe, you're so cute, now where's your owner?" The dog looked at me and then barked in a random direction. he looked at me again and wagged his tail happily.

A boy comes running down the road looking angry and stops in front of me. He has black hair and two red lines on his face. He was wet and didn't look to happy about it. "Damn that Naruto," I hear him grumble.

"Who's Naruto?" I asked.

The boy seemed to notice me at that moment and his eyes widen.

"What?" I question.

"You're bleeding!"

I look down to find my clothing slightly stained with blood.

"Hmm, I guess I am," I say, not really caring, "so who's this Naruto kid?"

"An annoying bastard who likes to play pranks on people. He's self-centered and doesn't care about anyone, but himself." His gaze lingered on my stomach and he asks "are you sure your okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just a little bit lost. you don't happen to know where I can find apartment 283, do you?" I ask.

Uh, yeah it's just around that corner," he answers pointing behind me.

"Okay, thanks," I say in a cheery voice.

"Yeah, see you later newbie," he says to me as he starts to walk away, "come on Akamaru!" He says calling to the dog.

I stare after him for a moment, before pulling myself up off the ground and following the kid's directions. Sure enough 283 right in front of me. Gosh, I'm horrible with directions.

I open the door to my apartment and find beautiful sapphire and white walls with a pretty open kitchen and living room. I go upstairs and find a very nice bedroom as well. Wow, that old mans nicer than you'd think.

I open up the drawers to a dresser and find it jammed packed with clothes. I pull out a white night gown and start to get ready for bed. Just as I'm turning out the lights I see the stars twinkle through the window in the night sky and I suddenly miss Rayen dearly. I feel the tears slide down my face and I silently cry myself to sleep.

I wake up in a groggy state to a rather loud alarm clock. My eyes wander around the room, suddenly I jump up and realize that I'm late for school!!!

I grab my clothes and from the drawer, a blue dress with white leggings and quickly pin a blue butterfly pin into my long blonde hair. I grab a piece of toast on the way out the door and start to run around like a mad woman trying to find the school. A nice woman points me in the right direction and I take off at a full sprint. A boy with orange hair and a paint bucket pushes past me and knocks me over. I shriek in annoyance and shout after him "Watch where you're going baka!" Before rushing off towards the school.

I run into the school and burst into the classroom. Pairs of eyes stare back at me and a lot of students point and murmur inaudible words. "Hey newbie, you know your late right," a teasing voice calls. I look up and see the boy who's dog I'd tripped over last night. My eyebrow twitches and I'm about to answer back a smart ass reply when suddenly I get knocked over by an orange haired boy tied up in ropes. An angry sensei comes stomping in after him yelling so loud I bet the dead could've heard him. I got up off the ground and start to brush myself off. The Sensei turns to me with a slightly confused look, before recognition starts to dawn. "You must be Halia, the Hokage said you'd be arriving today," he said while scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "I would have been here to greet you, but I, a had a matter to attend to, so...please forgive me. I'm Iruka,"

I stare at him with a bored blank expression, before turning and pointing at the class, "My name's Halia!" I announce. The class stares back and a few things are muttered but that is all.

"Um, right...Halia, you can sit next to Naruto. He's the one with the orange hair and goggles," I look up to where this Naruto kid is sitting and had to hold back my annoyance. It was the kid who had rudely shoved past me this morning. I bit my tongue and nodded before going to sit down.

"Alright class, we will be doing the transformation jutsu thanks to Naruto, line up!" the class groaned and I could tell that Naruto was definitely not someone I wanted to hang around.

"Uchiha Sasuke," Iruka-sensei called. A boy with blue-black hair and a vacant expression stepped up to the front of the class. Something about his personality was slightly irking, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I closely watched him do the hand signs and saw that he transformed perfectly. Almost all the girls in class cheered and had hearts in their eyes.

"Tch, show off," I murmured.

"Haruno Sakura," Sensei called and a girl with long pink hair stepped up to the front of the class. She did the hand signs and transformed perfectly as well and then started to freak out about Sasuke. Geez, what was with these girls?

"Uzumaki Naruto," the boy with orange hair and goggles was next. He did the hand signs, yet when he transformed it wasn't into Iruka-sensei, but into a blonde naked girl. Iruka-sensei got a nosebleed and I glared at Naruto for doing such an obscene thing. Was this entire class crazy, or something!!

The line started to move on and soon it was my turn. Iruka-sensei looked bewildered, "you don't have to do this since you're new," he says.

"I know, but I want to try anyways," I said back in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Hey newbie! Are you sure you don't need help from you're mommy!" one kid taunted. I turned and glared at the class.

"I'll show them!" I quickly copied the hand signs I'd seen the other kids do and thought of every detail about how Iruka-sensei looked. I closed my eyes and said, "transformation jutsu," loud and clear. when I opened my eyes I looked down and found that I looked exactly like Iruka-sensei. I quickly transformed back and turned around to find the class looking at me with astonishment. I smirked and thought to myself how's that for a newbie.

I sat through the rest of class trying to focus on what Iruka-sensei was saying, but my mind kept drifting away. Not to mention that the kid next to me was annoying as hell! I plugged my ears in annoyance and tried tuning him out. Instead it just seemed like he talked even louder and I was on the verge of bursting from annoyance when the bell rang. Finally!

I rushed for the door with the other kids and heard Iruka-sensei yelling after us that we had an exam tomorrow on the clone jutsu. Ugh, just my luck! At least I can go explore there library though! I felt a rush of excitement and started to skip down the halls and out of school. Maybe being a ninja wouldn't be so bad.

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