Chapter 5-Who am I?

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Rayen's P.O.V.

I wake up in darkness. Am I alive? That one thought courses through my mind. I try to move and my shoulder burns. I have to be alive to feel pain, right? My mouth feels like it's filled with cotton and when I try to speak I'm unable to, someone's gagged me. I try to move again and find that my wrists are bound behind me to what seems to be a post.

"Ah, so you're finally awake it seems," a gruff voice says from the darkness.

"It's about time," a high-pitched voice says, it sounds like the nurse that injected me.

My instincts kick in and I start to thrash around in the binds trying to get loose.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," the gruff voice says, "those ropes have chakra in them, there's no way you're getting loose. Hey Ayako, do you think she's the same as when she was as a kid?"

"I'm not sure master, let's find out," the woman named Ayako came over to me and grabbed my chin in her hand. She dug her fingernails into my face until I started to bleed, I held back a scream. I feel the blood drip down my chin and stain the ground around me.

The woman got a wicked grin on her face and says to the man, "she hasn't changed since,"

"Hmm...then she most likely won't speak to us,"

Like hell I wasn't going to speak to the people who captured me. To top it off they talked as if they knew me, and I sure didn't recognize them. Seeming to read my thoughts the woman named Ayako says to the voice, "she probably doesn't recognize us,"

"That's to be expected, it's been eight years now, correct?" the man asks the woman.

"Correct, the girls fourteen now," the woman says with certainty. She comes closer to me and looks at me with icy eyes. I resist the urge to shiver and give her what she's looking for.

"Ah, and she doesn't remember us. that's so sad,"

"Hmm, maybe we should explain some things to her," the woman says coming closer and grabbing my chin in her hand. "Cause I'd just love to," The woman's black eyes stared into mine and a silver symbol appeared in them. It looked like two boomerangs...kinda, but sharper. The woman looked deep into my eyes and I struggled against her hold, but she held my face firmly. The air shivered, but that was all. "Maybe she has changed," the woman says in an icy voice.

"Alright, well I guess I'll have to do the explaining then," the voice says in a surprisingly happy voice. "Rayen, were your parents!"

I froze and looked at them in disbelief. My what?

"And you were a major disgrace, so weak and helpless," the woman says in disgust. "The only thing good was that no matter how badly I punished you, you didn't even flinch. I enjoyed you as a daughter for that," the woman cackled.

I remember that voice, suddenly I see a flash of images go through my mind. Me as a baby with a bloodied face, I hear the whip crack as it's being brought down on my hands and see my two-year old self with scars across my hands and back. Then my mind flashes to another image, I stand there with a dead bird in my hands and blood on my face. I can hear a woman cackle in the background and know that it's my mother. My mind flashes to yet another image and I see myself tied to a stake in the ground as a man presumably my father draws symbols and makes hand signs. "Forbidden summoning jutsu," he shouts. A giant griffin appears behind me and starts to lunge for my father "seal!" He shouts slamming his hand into my stomach. I see my past self cough up blood and then slump over. That's when the images end.

"Your father sealed the beast inside you to make you stronger. Of course the old man didn't see it that way." The woman says as if she'd read my thoughts. I was beginning to think of her as a mind reader. "sharp girl you've become," the woman says to me, confirming my supisicions.

"That's right, and I've been able to keep track of you through it," the woman says to me. "Anyways, you're a very lucky child, I'm surprised those villagers even though of taking you in. your chakra was so weak you weren't even able to do a transformation jutsu. You were a stupid, weak, mute little child and I absolutely hated you," she says in a voice of disgust. "I still hate you, but now you can be my puppet," the woman started to laugh shrilly and I felt my blood run cold.

I struggled against the ropes again, but to no avail. I was ready to strangle the woman.

"Ayako, that's enough! Let me explain the situation to her." The voice in the darkness barked, before turning to me. "If you so much as try to get away from us, your precious sister will be killed. understand?"

I glared into the darkness, I can feel he anger building inside me.

"I can have her dead at the snap of my fingers if you so much as step out of line. Now, Ayako will train you and then when you are strong enough you shall do my bidding."

I felt my anger boil over at that moment. That man, my father, was going down! I struggled against the ropes and I started to feel them break. SNAP! they broke and I pulled myself to my feet.

"Ayako!" The voice in the darkness snapped.

I felt hands on my throat and found myself pinned to a wall. "I think it's time for you to take a little nap," Ayako says to me, while reaching for a sedating needle. I feel the needle pierce my neck and things start to get hazy. No! my mind screams at me. I rip the needle from my neck and thrust it into Ayako's. She doesn't even flinch, but merely grabs my wrist and twists it so that it breaks. CRACK! I see my bone and then things start to go black. No! a voice inside my head screams, but it's not mine. "Can't hold on" I think to myself and that's the last thing I remember as things go dark.

I wake to find myself soaking wet and lying in a puddle. I can't remember anything other than that I passed out, but for some strange reason there seemed to be no one in the cave but me. Everything was eerily silent. water dripped on my face, or at least I think it's water. It's warm and sticky, I taste some of it and gag and the irony taste of it...blood? but I can't be bleeding, I feel perfectly fine. My shoulder had stopped throbbing and I could feel no cut in it. My wrist was healed too, strange. I crawled around in the darkness feeling for a way out of this place. My eyes start to adjust to the darkness just as I feel my hand hit something wet and sticky. I pull my hand back and look down to see a woman with needles sticking out of her every which way, to the point that she looks like a human porcupine. I retch at the sight and start to shake. I look away only to see another body that looks in even worse shape. It's the body of a middle aged man his stomach torn out and a word engraved in his chest "bakemono" (monster). I shudder at the sight and start to run through the cave trying in desperation to find a way out. I can feel fresh air on my face and suddenly I burst out of the cave tunnel and into a clearing. The night sky shines down on me and look at the stars sparkling in the sky. my body stats to sway from exhaustion and I collapse onto the ground. One thought courses through my mind as my eyes start to drift closed, who am I?


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