Chapter 7-Blood!

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Rayen's P.O.V.

The sun beats down on me and I smell carrion in the air. I sit up and find that my clothes at practically in shreds and that I'm covered from head to foot in blood. I look around and find that there are woods nearby. I slowly pull myself up and walk towards the trees. The forest is peacefully quiet, a little ways off I can hear water due east. Strange, my hearing shouldn't be this mind pushes the thought aside at the prospect of water and I start to walk towards it, guided by my hearing. I begin to feel moisture in the ground and I start to run towards the water, my mouth feeling parched.

I burst into a clearing where a beautiful waterfall glistens. I lay down on my stomach and start to drink handfuls of water in immeasurable gulps. Once I'm done I start to bathe myself and wash my clothes, until the smell of blood is gone from my senses. I lay on the grassy shore resting when I feel the air stir. I smell blood in the air and I hear the faint clash of metal a short way off, about 50 miles away due north. I rub my temples, trying to figure out how I knew all that. Ugh, strange things were happening! I shake my head to rid myself of the thought. The thought of blood brings back fresh memories and I quickly sit up. I have to hide! I quickly scramble up and start to run south, away from the sounds of the clashing of metal.

The woods are a flash around me and I drop my guard trying to focus on getting away from the noise. Suddenly I'm surrounded by five masked figures. The head bands they wear are from the village of the sand. They all have their kunai out ready to attack. I freeze and start to look for an escape route, but find none. One of the ninja comes at me and I panic and start to run the other way, only to run into another ninja who jams a kunai into my stomach. Gosh, I'm stupid! I spit up blood and the ninja yanks the kunai from my stomach. I can feel myself starting to sway on my feet and wonder if this is the end. Another ninja grabs me from behind and puts a katana to my throat. I freeze and feel my blood run cold.

"What's a pretty little girl like you doing out in the woods alone?" the voice whispers in my ear like ice. I shiver slightly and the ninja just cackles. The other ninja join in and start to mock me.

"Come on little girl, why don't you let out a little shriek for us, we like to hear our victims shriek before they die," another ninja calls to my right. I start to thrash violently, struggling to get away.

"Rayen," a voice in my head calls in an icy voice. I freeze and the ninja holding me yells something inaudible at me.

"Rayen, I know you can hear me!" the icy voice inside my head says. I start to sway and things become hazy. "Kill them! Kill them! They are wronging you! Kill them!" the voice says in a blood thirsty way.

I feel my senses start to sharpen, to the point where I can see a single leaf hit the ground with a crash in slow motion. My vision becomes clear and I watch the ninjas around me move in slow motion. My mouth hurts and I feel sharp needle like fangs dig into my lip, drawing blood. I flex my hands and feel something sharp pierce through my finger tips. Rage blinds my vision and the next thing I know four of the ninja around me are dead. One is left, staring at me with wide horrified eyes. My face is expressionless as I grab the last ninja by the throat and shove him up against a tree. The man starts to sputter and I flex my hands and feel the needles points slide out of my hand.

"Who are you?" the man cried as I drive my hand through his chest killing him. The ninja's head slumped over and I leaned over and whisper into the dead man's ear, "My name is Amira," then I rip my claws out of the dead man's chest and let the body slump to the ground. I look down and find that once again, I'm covered in blood.

I slump against a tree in exhaustion and look around at the devastation I've caused...again. What was happening to me? Why was I turning into this thing, this monster? My mind flashes back to the words engraved into the man's chest, "bakemono." My mind sears with pain and I clutch my head in agony. I feel tears stream down my face as I shake in fear, I look at one of the ninja's dead body's and I grab the kunai grasped in his bloody hand and point it at my stomach.

"No ones going to miss me anyway," and with that I close my eyes and pull back my hand and bring the kunai to my stomach. I feel nothing and I open my eyes to find the kunai a centimeter from my stomach. I try to move, but find that my entire body's frozen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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