Chapter 4-Welcome to Konoha

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Halia's P.O.V.

I wake up back in a hospital bed with my wrists and ankles tied down. The smell of smoke curls around my nostrils and I raise my head to find an old man calmly sitting in the room smoking a pipe. "Who are you?" I question in a annoyed voice.

The old man continues to smoke his pipe as I get increasingly annoyed. "Fine don't answer then, old man," I say grumpily.

The man looks at me with a smile then and says "I'm the Hokage of this village,"

"Ho-whata?" I say with annoyance.

"Hokage, I am the leader,"

"So? If you're the leader you would've saved my sister, not to mention my village," I say gruffly.

"I'm sorry for your loss," the old man says with sympathy.

"Yeah right, you're not sorry and I don't need your pity," I say angrily.

"You know, I could give you a place to live and you could train at the ninja academy. You seem to have a fair amount of chakra," the old man says in a mellow tone.

"I do not have chakra, I do not want to stay here and I sure as hell don't want to be a ninja!" I scream a red anime vein appearing on my head.

"Alright, it's your decision, but if you have second thoughts, I'll be in my office at the Hokage's building," with that the old man got up from his chair and left the room.

I lay my head back down on the pillow, and think through the old man's offer. Maybe I should take up his offer, but then again he didn't even try to help Rayen. Oh, Rayen what should I do? We've always talked about being ninja and how great it'd be if we had the chance of being one. You promised me we'd do it together, not alone. I think in despair. I flex my hands and easily slip them out of the binds, then I undo my feet. My stomach doesn't hurt much as I sit up and I begin to wonder how long I was out for. The sun's starting to set and a crisp wind floats through the open window and blows my hair across my face. "I'm sorry Rayen," I whisper as I slip from the hospital bed and out the door.

I slowly walk past the few nurses in the hallway, trying to navigate as best I can through the hallways. I finally reach the front desk and say to the blonde lady behind it "I'll be taking my leave," as I walk towards the front door. She starts to say something, but is cut off as the door slams behind me.

I walk out into the cool air of the evening and look around to see if I can find a building with the word hokage plastered on it. I scan the area, and spy a large green building sitting under four giant heads. That must be it. "That's one big ass office he must have," I mutter to myself.

I walk through the streets to find them quite lively at this time of day. Smells of delicious food wafted toward me and I heard my stomach groan at the smell. I thought of stealing some of the food, before thinking otherwise and hurrying away.

Ten minutes later I reach the hokage's building with my stomach still growling. I look up at the gigantic building and think to myself yep, that's one big ass office he's got! I open the doors and find a winding staircase that leads upstairs. Now, Halia if you were leader would you be on the bottom of the building, or the top? I ask myself., definitely the top. I race up the stairs and find myself in front of a large set of wood doors. I start to reach for the handles, when the doors fly open and a man with gravity defying silver hair walks past me with his nose buried in a book. Geez, read much? How did my sister ever like this village? I walked into the Hokage's office to find the old man looking through papers that were scattered across his desk. He looked at me with a questioning expression. I took a deep breath trying to calm my self down before saying "I've decided to take up your offer,"

He smiled at me, before handing me a small envelope. "That has your apartment address in it and room key. You'll be starting at the academy tomorrow under Iruka. I've also given you some money to use, since you aren't a ninja yet.

My eye twitched, he must've already figured I'd take up his offer and done this for me awhile ago. I took the envelope from him and curtly thanked him, before heading for the door.

"Oh and one more thing," the old man says before I can leave.

"What?" I say in a grouchy voice.

"Welcome to Konoha!" he says with a smile.

I just snort and exit the room.

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