A Political Party

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September 1, 1975

At Malfoy Manor, an elegant dinner party is being hosted by NARCISSA and LUCIUS. The hostess, in a swift dress of emerald green, walks through the main parlor to greet her guests.

NARCISSA: Pandora! So good to see you, darling.

PANDORA turns around, greeting NARCISSA with a smile and a hug.

PANDORA: I'm glad I was able to make it. Things are getting busier at the newspaper.

NARCISSA: Which one are you working for again?

PANDORA: The Quibbler. I know a lot of people think it's trashy, but I'm having a good experience.

NARCISSA: Oh, no, of course! That's amazing. What else have you been up to? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages.

PANDORA: Oh, well- I've actually started seeing someone.


PANDORA: (smiling) Yes, we work together.

NARCISSA begins to respond, but is suddenly pulled aside by MAFALDA.

NARCISSA: Sorry, duty calls! I'll catch up with you later!

PANDORA: Of course! See you!

NARCISSA: (unhanding herself from MAFALDA) What is your problem?

MAFALDA: (handing her a glass of champagne) Looks like you needed rescuing back there.

NARCISSA: I did not! I was having a rather interesting conversation-

MAFALDA: (skeptically) An interesting conversation with Miss Airy-Fairy Nutjob? About something other than nargles or Crumple-Horned-Whatever-they're-called?

NARCISSA: Enough. Pandora happens to be a very close family friend.

MAFALDA: (sipping her champagne) Whatever you say.

NARCISSA: Anyway, who else showed up that needs attention?

MAFALDA: Perhaps- Rookwood is over there somewhere, not sure if you need to speak with him-

NARCISSA: When did he get here?

MAFALDA: About a half hour ago.

NARCISSA: Any sign of my husband?

MAFALDA: He's entertaining some fellow Knights of Walpurgis in the back garden. He's been there for at least- uh-oh, red alert, the Dark Queen has arrived-

MAFALDA gestures to the ornate golden fireplace at the center of the parlor, where the bright green flames of Floo Powder begin to roar. As the fire begins to die down, BELLATRIX steps down from the hearth, wearing a silvery-black evening gown.

NARCISSA: Oh, Merlin's trousers, here we go. (She hurries forward through the crowd to greet her sister) Bella, I wasn't expecting you so soon.

BELLATRIX: Good evening, Narcissa. How are your guests treating you?

NARCISSA: Oh, all the same, you know how it is-

BELLATRIX walks dominantly through the parlor, with the guests parting aside to make way for her. NARCISSA follows anxiously.

BELLATRIX: Evening, Mr. Rookwood. You're looking well.

ROOKWOOD: (turning around) Ah, Madame Lestrange. So good to see you out and about. (He takes her hand and lightly kisses it).

BELLATRIX: I heard you had some issues at the Ministry a few months ago. I do hope everything has smoothed over?

ROOKWOOD: Indeed, ma'am. Everything is as it was.

BELLATRIX: And your future position in the Department of Mysteries?

ROOKWOOD: (sighing) After the break-in last year, Dumbledore has warned them to be extremely cautious with those who are granted access to that Department.

BELLATRIX: I see. While Barty Crouch continues to serve as the Head of Magical Law Enforcement, it will be a truly difficult task for you to become an Unspeakable. But not impossible.

NARCISSA: (warningly) Bella-

BELLATRIX holds up a hand to silence her sister.

BELLATRIX: Augustus. I don't have to explain to you how vitally important it is for the Dark Lord to have a spy inside the Department of Mysteries, do I?

ROOKWOOD: No, Madame.

BELLATRIX: Very well. Then your way forward is clear. I want all of efforts focused on gaining Barty Crouch's trust, so that this job will be secure. Do you understand me?

ROOKWOOD: Yes, I do. If you'll excuse me, Madame Lestrange- Madame Malfoy-

ROOKWOOD bows before the two women before walking away. NARCISSA gives her sister a peevish look.

NARCISSA: Must you intimidate every single guest that I bring into my house?

BELLATRIX: These are things that I must do, Cissy. For the good of our future. Now, where is Lucius? I need to speak with him.

NARCISSA: (sighing) He's out back. In the garden.

BELLATRIX nods and walks toward the open back door, extending to the rear gardens. MAFALDA approaches NARCISSA, carrying a couple glasses of wine.

MAFALDA: Everything okay?

NARCISSA: No. (She takes one of the glasses and empties it) Things are getting worse, Mafalda. I need to start doing more.

MAFALDA: More of what?

NARCISSA: A war is brewing. It won't be long before Dumbledore's army attacks the Death Eaters in the streets. I need to do something to protect my husband and my sister.

MAFALDA: What do you have in mind?

NARCISSA: (hesitating) This is a matter of politics. I need to meet with the Minister of Magic. Soon. 

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