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'Come in'  I ordered, came in secretary George.
'What is it George?'
'Mam it is Mr.Philips and Mr.Roberts waiting in the lobby for you meet them' he replied,
It's weird because it was nearly 5years I met Mr.Roberts and as far as I know it was regarding my father's will but I Donno why he wanted to meet me now? And that too along with the most prominent owner of 'philips tech' Mr.James Philips who is none other than the rival!

I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone clearing their throat..it's none other than George 'mam.....'

'Ok! Make them seated in the conference room,I'll be there in few minutes!

'Sure mam, anything else?' He replied
'Nothing, you may take your leave now'. With that he left,I calmly composed myself and went to the meet the gentleman! I guess this meeting will go far more interesting than it ever would be!
When I entered the room the whole atmosphere is full of  unexpected vibes like an intuition that something may happen! By the looks of Roberts and Philips it made me double think about why I agreed to meet them, without any further thoughts I started walking towards them.

'Hello John, Mr.Roberts, well how are you both doing?' I beamed at them
'We are good, I hope you too' James Roberts replied genuinely, and this made me doubt his gestures as we doesn't expect an rival to pop up in your office suddenly to greet you well and most importantly the point that his eyes were purely genuine than showing any fake emotion to cover up, the last time I met him at my parents funeral and got to know that he was indeed my dad's best friend from the high school days and were inseparable, but later they became too busy in their business they didn't even expect themselves to be in the position of tough competitors in the world.

Today's meeting knocked the breath out of me just by looking at the serious expression of John which made me realize whatever it is I'm not going like it! It's like a déjàvu The last time when he was at my door with the same expression made me discover truth of my parents that being extremely rich and running an company of billion dollars turnover per year,even though they raised me as if we were a middle class  family and their plane crash made me devastated and the new place of becoming an CEO took a toll on me!
Now John's expression made me nervous because last time it was too much to handle but this time I don't know what would happen altogether.

Heyo guys!
The chapter came to an end !
Let's get into the next chapter to find out what's all the deal of visiting is about!

With tons of love,

Yours!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt